Sol's Script

The tense atmosphere in the royal courtroom was shattered by the sudden entrance of Sol's elderly butler, his weathered face etched with worry and urgency. He stumbled forward, falling to his knees before Emperor Lucien, his voice trembling with desperation.

"Your Majesty, I beg of you, Lord Sol has yet to recover from his grievous injuries. He is in no condition to endure any form of physical punishment, let alone lead a war," the butler pleaded, his words a fervent plea for mercy on behalf of his master.

Emperor Lucien's frown deepened at the butler's impassioned appeal. Murmurs among the assembled nobles added weight to the butler's plea, their collective murmurs betraying a shared sentiment of concern and empathy for Sol's condition. The Emperor's hold on the court's opinion seemed to waver as the nobles expressed their agreement with the old butler's words.