Trouble in Kabel

The air in the room hung heavy with tension, Duke Jin's departure leaving a palpable void. Alex's gaze flickered between Sol and Lu Jin, concern etched on his features as he addressed Sol.

"Sol, you've gone too far this time," Alex murmured, a trace of worry lacing his voice. "If Duke Jin is indeed aligned with the empire, speaking of treason will only seal our fates with execution."

Sol met Alex's gaze with an unnerving calmness. "I did this to discern friend from foe," he replied evenly. "To unravel the web of loyalties and betrayals that cloak our surroundings. A rebellion, if it were to spark, must have a genesis."

Lu Jin's furrowed brow displayed his confusion. "What are you implying, Sol?" he questioned, his voice tinged with concern.