Game of time

"Outlast me? Those are bold words for mere warrior realm bastards!" Leon chuckled evilly as the arms of the clock kept swinging anticlockwise rapidly.

Derek and Sol wanted to crush the heart of this man, but they couldn't move a finger. They felt a strange power holding them down, which left them with frowns of annoyance, not worry.

"I would like to see who can outlast the other," Leon added. "You two or me!" he added, but a cruel smile appeared on Derek's face and he responded instantly.

"You will be disappointed by the answer you will get," Derek said with a smile that revealed his fangs, however, Leon wasn't intimidated.

He was a man who has served the royal family for a long time, and he has seen his fair share of dangers over the years. He refused to believe they would be inferior to these two to a point where even though he had the cultivation base advantage, he would still lose.