Preparing for war

…. Derek's room….

A spatial tear appeared, prompting Kathrine, Todo, and Mozan to look in its direction. Derek had been gone for hours while the preparations for their war with the dwarves were coming together, it was only natural they panicked.


Derek in a black flowing robe emerged, with Lunar following him tightly behind. With her large chest and heavy butt all hidden under thin wraps of black bandages, everyone was confused, and Katherine looked more upset than confused.

Upon arrival, Derek clutched his chest as he felt a stabbing pain, leaving him with a frown. He knew there would be consequences for using his true death magic, but he didn't regret his actions because he was able to absorb hundreds of souls from the battle taking place outside the walls of Kabel.

While Alex and Lu Jin were doing the killing, he was simply diverting the souls to his body, and even better, he had the soul of a champion realm master in him.