Demos's Insults


As Derek teleported the seventh time, a white seal overlapping the first seal lit up from the ceiling of the cave, shining down on Derek like the moonlight in the darkest night.

"Spatial negation seal? How many people worked to set up this damn mountain!" Derek cursed.


Two crystal chains shot at him from behind, but Derek shot back abruptly while moving sideways, sliding through the space between the chains.


Unexpectedly, the chains stopped abruptly and began moving in circles in a bid to tie Derek down. 

{They really put quite a lot of work into this.} Demos couldn't help but voice his thoughts.

"You don't have to tell me that!" Derek found it annoying that his master was impressed by his enemy's attempts to kill him.


Ten dark green chains erupted from his hand as his body spun violently, creating a dark green shockwave that blew the chains away.
