Old God Of Cosmos, Atlas

News of Kaleb city's last stand carried out by Sol, Lu Jin, and Alex spread like wildfire and reached all corners of the empire in one night. The next morning the streets of every city were filled with cities singing praises of the brave prince he chose to fight while the emperor turned a blind eye to the invasion of the elves. 

Resentment for the royal family increased tenfold, and even the royal court officials tried their best not to associate themselves with the emperor for fear of attracting the people's wrath. The emperor became demonized, while Sol became a hero in the eyes of everyone.

To gain the favor of the people and show their support for Sol, many high-ranking nobles sent a sizeable portion of their personal forces to Dustan city to aid in repelling the elf invaders. Never before have the nobles blatantly moved against the will of the crown.