Tricky Sol

Sol sat alone in his room with countless souls surging around him while the image of the third eye was inscribed on his forehead. Unknown to him, the room was hot, cold, bright, and dark simultaneously, while his body levitated off the ground.

After killing over fifty thousand soldiers of the elves with his burning sun, he had enough souls to push himself to the Champion realm, and he had no intentions of wasting time. 

At the dark corners of his room were Lu Jin and Alex, watching him with skeptical gazes. He had been like this for a week now, they never thought creating a domain would be so time-consuming.

"Why is it taking this long?" Lu Jin was confused. "Did he encounter any problems in his sea of consciousness?" 

"Why do you ask?" Alex asked, his hands folded around his chest.

"Well, I don't think it should take this long for anyone to prepare a domain." Lu Jin scratched his head.

Hearing this, Alex let out an exhausted sigh.