A bond between brothers

"Wow…" Lu Jin muttered, his thoughts racing on the story Alex just shared.

He had always considered Derek a scary individual but finding out that this Derek was just a shadow of his former self-made him wonder what kind of beast he was in the past.

"If prime Derek was the one who met you at that temple. Both you and the old Gods would have been dead by now. Just another addition to his growing power." Alex looked Sol in the eyes while saying this.

He needed Sol to understand the kind of being he was dealing with. Sol frowned at these words, but the resolve in his eyes seemed to flicker.

He always thought he was powerful, but this discussion made him realize how human he was. His ego was taking a massive hit from Alex's words.



Lu Jin interrupted the tense moment 

"To become the supreme deity is not something achievable with just a fragment of his soul, right?" Lu Jin asked anxiously.