The Return Of Balance


The scorching dome began crumbling, drawing the attention of everyone. They watched in anticipation, waiting to see the victor of the clash, and to everyone's surprise, Derek was the only one standing in the crater. At this point, his figure was ghastlier and much more ethereal, his aura stronger than ever as he stood in silence.

"He got stronger…" Mozan was astonished.

"That's why he is called the God of death and destruction. As long as chaos exists, he will grow stronger infinitely!" Todo was excited.

He had watched Derek grow from a young weak boy to this monster of a man in the space of a few years due to exposure to constant conflict. Everyone was skeptical Derek would be able to fight the emperor of the dwarf empire due to the difference in cultivation base but Todo always knew that the hard part was getting to the dwarf empire, once they were there, Derek would grow and surpass the dwarf emperor even before they reach the capital.