Chapter 7

"Good afternoon,Smith Enterprise, this is Mr. Smith's PA, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Jasmine,it's Mr Davids".

"Oh Mr Michaels!,what can I do for you?"

"I was thinking if you don't mind,can I take you out on Friday?"

"Hmmm,sure. What time?"

"Well about 8pm! I will come pick you up"

"Ok see you on Friday ".

We exchanged numbers the time he had a meeting with my boss .

Holy shit, I definitely forgot that my boss was still standing in front of me.

Looking at me ,he kept clenching his fingers.

"Keep personal calls till after work,Miss George". he said .

I apologized to him and handed over the files to him,then he walked out.

"Was he jealous?" I thought.

It's Wednesday morning and for once I was up early.

I sat in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"So I hoped you had a nice time with your friends the other night?"she asked.

Yes mom I don't remember the last time I had so much fun.

"Well am happy you are having fun.You do everything for others and forget about yourself".

"I really don't have needs mom,I just want you and Ella to have a good and comfortable life". I said

"Good Samaritan" she said and I laughed.

"So when are your friends coming over,I need to met with them "

"Well I can invite them tonight for pizza, because we are planning to eat pizza outside".but since you wanna see them I will invite them.

"Don't bother sweetheart since you already have plans of eating outside". maybe next time she said.

"And I think you are already late,I turned to looked at the clock, holy shit!!".

Thanks mom for reminding me ,I pecked her on her cheeks and zoom off.

Mr Smith was sitting down on his office,when I brought him his coffee.

"I need you to call my pilot and arrange the flight plan for Las Vegas on Friday morning.

And also i need you to call my housekeeper over there, Mrs Trenton. Have her get the place ready and stocked for one week .

We are having a meeting with Mr Charles on Monday to finalize the plans on some properties we will be checking on". I quickly wrote it down.

"Of course sir " I said

Something suddenly tickled in my mind ,we are travelling together on Friday.

Excuse me sir,did you just say we?

" I mean you and I , Miss George you are my personal assistant and you need to be there with me in the meeting".

He looked at me closely, Miss George do you have a problem you want me to know about.

"Hmmmm,no sir but I already made plans for Friday ..."

" Ohhhh you have a date with Mr Davids,well he isn't a good guy and he shouldn't be seen around you". that my piece of advice for you if you don't mind .

Wtf,who is he to advising me about the kind if guys I can go out with?

"Sir,with all due respect,what I do with my life and who I met outside the office hours isn't your business" I fired back at him.

"Well okay ,you can go out with him on Friday , but you are no longer needed for the job". are you fine with this ,he said

And the bastard was smiling after saying that to me

"Now,go sort out the flight,he spoke to me I turned leaving his office".