Chapter 20

John drove me to his house,where Ella was waiting for us.

He helped me with the bags and we all walked in.

I was so happy to meet Mrs Trenton,John recently flown her and her family over here. As soon as she saw me ,she hugged me.

I badly needed that hug to make me feel that everything will be fine. I sent a grateful smile to John and he gave me a quick flirt look.

"You must be exhausted sweetheart,I will show you up to your room". Mrs Trenton said.

"Where is Ella" I asked.

'Her room is a few doors away from yours",you will see her soon.

I followed her to my room and placed my bag inside.

The room was cozy and attractive. A huge headboard adorned one wall with a bed that look so comfy ,pushed up against it. There was a small seat beside the bed and a vanity table on the opposite wall.

Next were two doors,the en suite which was bigger than the one in Las Vegas. I went to Ella's room .

She was already asleep. Her room was so girly. Her bed stand was made with oak and the surrounding materials match. The curtains in her room were white mixed with pink.

I went to get bed and sat closed to her,patting her hair so carefully so she won't wake up. I watched for a while thinking about how we are gonna live,no parents nor family members.

The gravity of the offense was just beginning to hit me hard.

After a while,I stood up and left the room. Shutting the door quietly,I just stood at the hallway thinking about alot of things .

Until John came up. I didn't realize I was already crying until he pulled me into a hug.

"How can someone be fine in one minute and just gone in another?" I cried on his chest.

He held me close and patted me while I broke up in tears. When he saw that I have calmed down a little ,he lift my face and cleaned the tears in my eyes.

He walked me to my room where he sat me down on the bed and pulled up the covers over me.

"You will be fine Jasmine, I'll make sure you are". He whispered as my eyes started closing.


I sat at my desk going through the classified files.

My mind has been completely on Jasmine these past few days and it is driving me nuts.

I heard her panicking from her office.What on earth is going on ?

I ran to her and heard her side of the conversation on the phone.

It was to be with her mom been rushed to the hospital.

A few minutes later,her sister came in and I knew something bad has happened.

We both went to the hospital and I took care of Ella.

"What is taking them so long? when we will hear something?"she was pacing in the room.

"I'm sure your sister will come with good news," I patted her hair and smiled at her.

That was when Jasmine came back. I knew something wrong has happened which wasn't too good. Her mom was gone.

Ella ran to her and she held her while she cried.

After the police went,they started talking about what there were going to down now and I don't have to think about how to help them.

"You are both coming to live with me".

She was trying to avoid my help but I have to make her feel safe to come live with me.

When she arrived at my place,she saw Mrs Trenton.

They really became so close during our stay in Las Vegas and I knew that Jasmine will will need her very soon.

I just came out of my office to get water in the kitchen. She was standing in front of her sister's room with tears streaming down her face.

I pulled her into my arm and patted her on her hair while she cried.

When she had calmed down a little, I wiped her tears away.

Her beautiful eyes was still filled with tears. Getting to her room,I put her to bed and she slept off so quick.

"You are gonna be okay Jasmine and I promise that I will make sure of it".

And I meant every word I said.