To Build with Stones

Dealing with the Stoneskins will be a peculiar task. As they're social structure is very loose with no set leader. They move together only in reactions without too much thought. They live outside in the elements with no need for taking shelter.

So once again. It would be Kalona who would be going to speak with them. See if there is a way to recruit them all at once, rather than one at a time.

All goblin dens around the mountains have been taken care of, so it'll be a smooth walk up the mountains.

Kalona had gone up naked with only her jewelry on. she wasn't expecting a fight after all. It took her an hour to go up the mountain. She wasn't rushing after all.

As she got to upper parts of the mountain range, she encountered her first Stoneskin. It was regular sized and didn't seem bothered by Kalona.

"What is a human doing here? You also feel...nice.", the stone humanoid asked.