Fun Day (2)

Divine Death ~ Euthanizing a monster through sex results in a huge extraction of energy and experience. Note that the Divine Death must be consensual. The resulting energy will fill up your Womb Crest in a special way as well.

Kalona was interested in what the skill can fully achieve.

"Enala!", Kalona lightly calle out.

Enala then walked in, "I'll get him properly taken care of my Queen. No worries."

Kalona smiled, "Thank you dear. Be back in 20 minutes to take care of the new children too."

Kalona was interested in how her Wind Wraith twins will turn out. As this would be the first birth of its kind. It was greatly exciting for her as her Queendom has been uneventful.

20 minutes later, Kalona gave birth to the twins in her bed with Enala as her aid.