Steamy Thoughts and Burritos


I know, I know I said not even three hours ago that I wouldn't go there, but dammit, I am not dead or blind. I could see the way she was looking at me. I could hear her heart racing when I was near her. I could smell the faint scent of her arousal. What was I doing? What am I thinking? I have no idea what my next move is. She is not just one of those girls you nut in and move on and forget about. I have had my fair share of one-night stands. I enjoyed them, and i was not looking for anything more at the time, but now? I don't know. I am not sure what any of this means. All I know is that it killed me to leave that room. I want to be right next to her right now.

I sigh as I turn around and look back up at the hospital. The sun went down not even an hour ago and the lights from the hospital are creating a warm glow on the sidewalk. I look up at her room on the fifth floor; the light is still on. I did not stick around to see her reaction to my parting question. I am not sure how she took it. I feel so awkward right now.

I pause and mind link with the guards to make sure they understand she is not to be left alone, not even for a second, and if Jake shows up, they are to call me immediately. I would not be the first time I have had to show up here in the middle of the night for a Jake sighting. We trained that kid to well; he was in the top ten of my potential warriors list. He excelled at just about everything and at one time I had him listed as a candidate for protective services, which is the pack version of the secret service. Unfortunately, he had a temper and a short fuse, so I removed him from the list, but he was or had been until two weeks ago still under consideration for my security team. I can't have a shifter losing their shit around a high-ranking official or their families.

I should be walking to the breezeway that connects the pack hospital to the pack house, but I am rooted here. I want to catch her hazel eyes checking me out when she does not think I am looking. I sigh again and force my legs to walk home. The door man opens the large bullet proof door for me to enter and I thank him as I drag my feet to the elevator. I hit the up button and wait for the shiny doors to open. My condo is on the fifty-third floor. I take up half the entire floor and the Delta if we still had one would have taken up the other half. A Delta takes control of training and sparing out pack warriors. Everyone in our pack trains as a warrior for five years from the age of fifteen. After that, many choose to stay on as warriors, or they may move on to other careers if that is what they want to do. The only ones that do not train are omegas since they do not have the muscle mass or speed. The floor above mine houses the Beta, and the penthouse above him belongs to the Alpha.

Right now, I am doing double duty with pack security and training. I do not complain, but I am getting burnt out. I have been doing both jobs for almost two years and it is time to separate these duties. I have a short list of potential Deltas that we are supposed to go through during our next council meeting, and I hope we can vote and agree on one. At the top of the list is a women named Cassie; she is also the one I have supervising Emily's security.

I finally get to my floor and walk the short distance to my door and let myself in. I take a deep breath and relax. At last, my safe space. Free of people where I can relax with my cat. My place is enormous and most of the rooms I do not use. In fact, I do not think I have opened the doors to all of the rooms in this place. It is eleven thousand square feet, five bedrooms each with their own ensuite, two powder rooms, a massive kitchen, two offices, laundry room, formal dining and living room, a tv room and a home gym. I did not choose this place it is the Gammas residence and will be handed down to the new Gamma someday. It feels almost pretentious and at times I am uncomfortable in it; it does not really feel like home for me, but it is the closest thing I have to a sanctuary. If I have to say what my favorite spot is in this house, it is the pool on my balcony. That shit is sweet and the view of the city from there is spectacular. I walk to my bedroom, down a long hallway, and head for my window. If you look down, you can see the pack hospital. It is a large complex and we share it with the humans in this area since it is such a condensed and heavily populated city. I know her room is on the other side of the building and my mind once again wanders to her. I shake my head in amusement. I think I have got it bad.

I turn away from the window and walk into my dressing room, yeah; I know it is just an oversized closet but when I got the initial tour of the place; the lady kept correcting me like I didn't know what a closet was, so now I call it a damn dressing room.

I kick off my shoes and slide my feet into some flip-flops and decide to head down to the cantina for some food. I have a kitchen, but I can't cook unless it is ramen or mac and cheese. I have a giant liquor pantry I am proud of. Mostly bourbons, Japanese whiskey and vodkas and if I could survive on alcohol alone, I would. Unfortunately, I can't I know because I already tried that. I make my way down outside the cantina and I wonder what Emily is eating; I remember seeing the empty ramen cup in her studio, apparently; she eats that even in her dreams. Now I am wondering what she looks like when she eats. I stop walking and rub my hand down my face. I am fucked. I make my way through the cantina and end up behind an old guy who can't make up his mind at the salsa bar. I just need some guac for my burritos and if I could shove him out of the way, I would. I finally get my four burritos fixed up and I am out the door. I am a Lycan, so I have an enormous appetite, and this is me eating light.

On the way up, I think about how soft her skin was when I slid my thumb down her back. That was totally intentional, and I am not apologizing for it. I am owed one after she attacked my nipples. I know I got a little too close to her and I hope she did not notice Thomas Jr. starting to wake up. By the time the elevator doors open on my floor, I am at full erection and cursing at myself. I cannot believe I am hard over back skin like I am thirteen again, getting excited over my math teacher's ankles. I am going to need a cold shower while kicking off my clothes on the way. I have left a trail of clothes from the hall to my bedroom door like I usually do. I know it is a nasty habit and I get the stink eye from my housekeeper, Marta, but it is something I have been doing since I was a pup. Why stop now?

I step into the shower and turn the water on cold and squeal a little because damn it is cold, and I decide to sit down since I might be in here for a while. I am sitting here staring at the grey swirls of my shower tiles, trying to focus on something other than the cute she-wolf that has been occupying my thoughts. I am even thinking about Alpacas and those finger monkeys I saw in a video. How can I still be hard after thinking about pressure cookers?

Screw it, nothing is working. I might as well go with it. I relax and start thinking about Emily's mouth while I slide my hand up and down my cock. I am imagining her running her tongue up the bottom of my shaft while she plays with my balls. As soon as I picture the tip of her tongue playing with the slit on the tip of my dick, I shoot my load all over the tiles. Well, damn, that is a record for me. I hope no one finds out I came in less than two minutes.

I sit in the shower for a couple of minutes, feeling a little dirty but highly satisfied and relaxed. I should at least buy her flowers after that. I stand up and start scrubbing my body and washing my hair with all the different products that would make a woman jealous. I have magnificent hair and I want to keep it that way. I get out and start putting on a clean pair of boxer briefs on when I get a ding from my phone. I walk over to my phone with my hair in a turban towel and my bread all askew to answer it.

I pick up my phone and answer it, and immediately my evening goes to shit. Someone shoe into Emily's hospital room. Fuck! I run back down the hall, grabbing my clothes off the floor as I go and shake the cat loose out of my pants and of course she is pissed I can tell it from the hiss. I pause for a brief second, thinking I heard her growl but shake off that nonsense. I will make it up to her later. I shimmy into my pants as I walk and shove my feet back into the shoes by the door. I will figure out my shirt in the elevator.

I should have just stayed with her.