His Place is Now Our Place


"WHO'S CALLING AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR?!?!?" I shift under a pile of incredibly comfortable blankets to reach my hand out for my phone, my ringtone again repeats Mrs. Zolowitz obnoxious voice as I blindly swing my hand around searching for a phone that I am positive I had placed in this general direction. I immediately regret plugging that thing in last night. I should have left it dead at the bottom of my backpack. I pull the phone towards me knocking down a water bottle with the cord as I squint at the number and then slide my finger to reject the call before plopping my head back down into the soft down of the most magnificent pillow I have ever squeezed in my entire life. The only people that ever call me were only interested in my car's warranty. I do not even own a car.

I snuggle into the warmth of the bed and then I remember where I am. I sit up wide awake, looking around with large, excited eyes. Last night's memories replaying in my head.

I had a wild day yesterday that ended in Thomas racing through his home so fast I did not have time to look around. He ran down a hall and then stopped midway through, opening a door and depositing me as gently as he could on the bed, followed by my backpack unceremoniously tossed next to me. He pointed to a door near a large sliding window and simply said "bathroom" before running for the door. I did not miss the tent in the front of his pants, so I was not about to stop him and ask questions. I was not that ready to end up under him yet. Eventually, hopefully, but not tonight. I do not even have matching undies right now. I am not ready, and the whole I just met him thing. He popped his head back in and pointed toward another door on the other side of the sliding window and said, "sitting room, that is yours" and then closed my bedroom door and left.

Sitting room? That had caught my attention. I got off the bed and explored my room; it was for sure luxurious. The bedroom door led down a short hall and opened into a large space. The bed faced the large sliding door with the rustic wood headboard resting against dark modern paneling. Five-star quality bedding in smoke grey and matching pillows completed the bed with two side tables on either side. The floors are polished concrete lightly stained. To the right a bathroom I have only seen in magazines or online, a large modern glass shower and giant tub looking out over the city and in between the two a double sink. Dark granite lined the walls and the concrete floors continued in here. I walked out and headed over to the door on the other and it led me into a sitting room, wall to ceiling windows were on the right as you enter with chairs and bookcases lining another wall, against the other was a built-in desk with a minibar and a small microwave. I open up the small fridge and grab a water out of it. Again, with the same flooring, but in here, thick rugs are laid out under the plush comfy looking chairs. I think I saw another door when we first entered my room, so I walked back that way. To the left of the bedroom door is the closet. It is massive. It has everything in it, dressers, shoe and purse storage, jewelry cases in the center and a vanity on the far wall. All of it in dark wood with sharp clean lines.

I have got like two pairs of pants, three shirts and one pair of shoes that are ducted taped, no wait, one pair of pants left at home since the other pair are currently MIA along with a shredded shirt and my only hoodie so wherever those are at, my shoes are there too. I am still in Cassie's clothes. I have nothing to leave in this closet, so I close the double doors and walk out.

I walk over to the sliding doors and open one and realize it is one of those accordion doors that leaves the entire wall open. I open that up to get some of the cool night air in the room. The view was dramatic and impressive. I can see across the city to the harbor at the bay. The twinkling lights of the city lit up the night sky. I could sit out here for hours just looking at this view. I look over to the far right and do a double take. Is that a pool? He has a pool?

I felt sleepy, the day finally catching up with me. I need the good, good sleep. I went back into the room, deciding to explore the rest of the house tomorrow; it was probably safer in here anyway with that horny Lycan roaming around somewhere out there right now.

Now, with the sun shining through the windows, I know I should get up. I feel amazing; I had some lingering pain yesterday, but today I feel nothing while I stretch. I get that awesome stretch going where your little toe twitches, and I relax for a couple more minutes before I get up and head for the bathroom. I pee for what feels like forever, and it feels outstanding. I give a little toot and then I am off. I have nothing to change into or any toiletries other than my oral hygiene stuff, so I quickly brush my teeth. I finally stop long enough to look at myself in the mirror. I am still bruised, my face is in different shades of yellow, browns and purples. It is in that healing stage that still looks just amazing... enter sarcasm. My hair is a hot mess and without hair care essentials it is going to stay that way. I give myself the disappointed once over and head out of the bedroom door.

The oversized flip flops Cassie lent me smack against the floor as I head down the hallway looking for Thomas. It did not take me long to find him; he was sitting at the kitchen island sipping on some coffee. The kitchen was one of those dream kitchens with the Viking appliances and sleek light modern cabinetry and concrete floors.

Thomas was lost in a newspaper, so I had a moment to admire him, His long dark hair was down slightly past his shoulders with the top half in intricate braids keeping the hair out of his face while a few braids mixed in with the hair that was left down. His bread was clean and well groomed, I had not noticed until now that it was just a bit darker than the hair on his head. He was dressed in semi casual work clothes with a button-down navy-blue shirt with the arms rolled up to his forearms showing off a large kraken tattoo on his left arm and medusa on the other. Snug, dark grey pants that hugged enormous tree trunk legs tapered down to dark brown shoes. Damn, I feel like a troll next to him. He clears his throat and side eyes me.

"You done checking me out?" He asks. I can hear the smirk in his voice. Damn him. I can feel my face heat up.

"No, give me a minute," I sass back, causing him to chuckle. He looks over at me like he is studying me, and it makes me nervous. I do not look or feel all that appealing right now. He looks back down at his newspaper and shuffles it a bit.

"Are you hungry? I grabbed you a breakfast burrito." With that, my tummy gives a rumble, and he smiles. "Come eat," he slides out a chair next to him and pats the seat, giving me a teasing look that makes me roll my eyes.

I plop down next to him and physically attack the overstuffed burrito encased in foil. Carne adovada, eggs and hash browns perfectly seasoned and wrapped in a fluffy warm tortilla. I practically deep throat the whole thing and moan. His head shoots up, his eyes darken, and he grips the end of the island.

"Don't do that," He rumbles out, his voice dark and silky while he watches me make out with the burrito. He clears his throat and quickly gets up from his chair and moves away from me to stand on the other side of the spacious island.

I realize what I was doing and blush a bit before apologizing. I do not actually feel sorry, though. I should change the subject. "How long will I be here?" I ask as I take another bite.

He looks like he is mulling it over before answering. "To be honest, I was wondering if would like to move in here... with me," Not going to lie I am surprised and I know my face says it. "It could be weeks or months before we find Jake and settle everything, it will be safer for you here in the packhouse protected by me and the guards" He clears his throat and continues "You will be starting work on the sixth floor where we are currently doing a build out for our new security division, so it is an easy commute up and down the elevators and I have plenty of room here in my home. You could easily convert the sitting area in your room into any type of room you want. I won't even charge you rent. "He shuffles his feet and takes a deep breath before looking up at me.

He looks uncertain, like he is waiting for me to decline his offer, but he makes a valid point. Several valid points actually. Plus, I get to see him daily, so that is a bonus and rent free. Hell, I could finally afford some clothes. I mean, if I did not keep buying tech, I could afford clothes but... priorities. I am not about to say no to this win. I am not the kind of girl that turns down a sweet offer, but I should double check something first.

"And in return?" I ask. I do not want to put myself into a compromising position as in harvesting my organs or burying bodies in the desert. Some things even I have to say no to.

"Work your ass off in the company, make me proud and occasionally feed my cat," He answers. I did not know he had a demon living with him, but we will cross that bridge later.

"Okay," I slowly nod my head while still thinking, "but I need to get my stuff, like all of it. Except the futon that was there when I moved in." I know gross, but you take what you can get.

He quickly agrees. "I will have some people pack and move everything for you, just give me the keys and that will be done today." I agree, and we both go silent for a moment before he speaks up again "I thought that you might need some things so I was wondering if it would be okay with you if I take you shopping after you finish eating?" I look up at him in surprise. "If you are comfortable with tha-" I put my hand up to stop him.

"I am broke, not stupid," I chuckle out. I stand up and take a dramatic bow. "After you, kind sir," Yeah, I have no shame when it comes to free stuff. Again, broke. Not stupid. He gives me a short laugh and tells me to go get my keys so we can stop by his office to get a couple of people to pack my studio up. I run back to the room and do what I am told, skipping like a little kid the entire way. I race back to the front door, nearly tripping over the giant flip flops I am wearing and let him know I am ready. I fellow him out with my eyes firmly locked on his ass. That ass in those pants, though...