
While I can't say I've copied and mastered the skills handed down to me to it's highest degree at the age of seven, I can say I've learned enough to be proficient survive after what's about to happen next. I don't know when the death of my mother would come or if I should even try to prevent it but I know I need to disappear afterwards. There's still so much I need to do in order to get to America to obtain the powers that I want.

In the last few weeks I've been sneaking into my father's treasury whenever he would leave for whatever businesses he has in the outside world. I would always make sure to use the device I've installed on to the house network and his personal computer to turn off the cameras before I do anything. With being the gifted child, almost any piece of technology that I asked for I'll get even if they're ultimately used as scraps and parts for my own plans and bug box. Seeing how I won't be here for much longer I still need a way to get access to the Ten Rings network and plans. Maybe I won't need it in the future but it doesn't help to have a backup plan for the years to come.

While in the treasury I would always try to skim off some of the less valuable and lower quality gemstones. But since my father has been raiding and pillaging for over a millennium now, it's difficult to find a pebble hidden within a mountain of gold and diamonds. Even his topazes and amethysts are so rare and of such high quality that they could be heirlooms of royal families all over the Euro-asia continent. But I guess beggars can't be choosers, even if this is a weird knock off retelling of Prince Siddhartha. So I took what little bits of untraceable wealth I can get before anything look out of place and try to leave the treasury as if no one else besides my father has stepped foot in it.

With my small fortune of tens of thousands to millions of dollars in stolen wealth being stashed away in my getaway backpack behind my clothes in my closet, I head back out into the humble palace with all the cameras returned to normal like nothing ever happened. Even the footage has been edited from my computer to account for any missing time skips.

Now as I share meals with my family I can't help but feel a sense of guilt as if I've been faking my entire life to these people. I did plan on faking everything until I can leave and become my own person and power in this lifetime but I can't help but feel a sense of connection to these people, even if I know the truth about my father and his organization. I MUST BECOME A BEING THAT STANDS AT THE APEX IF I WANT TO SURVIVE!!

"SiChou are you alright?" my mother's voice broke me out of my internal though process and brought me back to reality. "You look a little shaken up. Is there something wrong with the food my dear?" I try to process my next move as I slowly shake my head.

"N-no mama, I was just thinking about what I read today on Dr. Starks inventions. I can't imagine how the future will be now that the Stark Expo is back." I smile at my mother before taking another chunk of roast duck onto my rice bowl. "Maybe one day Papa can take us to the Expo." I tried to deflect the conversation to my father and siblings. "Xialing, do you want to go see the Ironman with your big brothers?"

-----Some Weeks Later-----

Tonight is finally the night. Even though I've been waiting for this moment to slip away from this family and take my first step towards becoming a powerhouse, I've been dreading to see this night come to being. I'm standing at the end of one of our many hallways that leads into our common and sand garden area. By our dragon statue my mother is guiding Shang-Chi how to flow through the motions of her martial arts just like how she taught me all those years ago.

I can see that Xialing is playing near by while also keeping an eye on the two to learn from afar. I guess she's been trying to teach herself how to fight even earlier than I thought. I guess now is when I should leave for my room. Just as I was about to turn around the short little scene came to a halt as four gangsters walk into our common area. I really need to go....

I quickly head towards my room and begin digging into my closet. I grab my getaway backpack and begin filling it with a few days worth of clothing, my hand assembled phone and a USB drive that's full of my personal studies and memorabilia. I leave my bug box plugged behind the electric outlet so that I can always have a backdoor of some kind for future usage, as long as Wenwu thinks that I'm dead but doesn't destroy my room. With all that done I begin to head out of my room and into the our underground garage.

I know my body is only that of a seven year old but my mind has now aged to that of a 24 year old damnit. I can drive a car even if I don't have a license! I just need to look for one that isn't conspicuous and has enough tint to not let others know that a kid is behind the wheel. I take a quick gander around since this is pretty much my first time being down here. There's really nothing cheap here, just expensive cars and rare exotic vehicles that's no longer in production. I guess it'll just have to be on foo-


The sound of a roaring motor rips through the large garage as a moped slowly rolls towards the exit. "I guess even a thousand years old warlord needs something to slowdown on and enjoy the views sometimes." After a couple minutes of riding down the mountain I stop on the side of the road and pull out my phone. I reactivated the cameras and take one last look of my now broken home before riding away. I think it must've rained soon after because the road became blurry and wet.