Year Two

Today is my 9th birthday. I honestly can't believe how much had changed since my first day here. I was finally able to learn and preform the most simplest of magic spells only after my first year. I honestly do not mean to sound or be humble at all because it definitely took me a while to grasp the concept of applied magic and use it in real life. Well no that's actually a lie. I understood the concept and school of thought behind magic pretty quickly actually. It only took a week for me to finish reading the basic manuscripts passed down from the ancestral masters. I was able to apply the teachings to help my fellow students learn, succeed and get over the bottleneck that they were on. But at last I could not apply it to myself.

No matter how hard I tried and or how many seniors tried to help, I could not form even a single strand of energy but I never gave up. Not even the Ancient one could help me gain my magic powers. Since I could not perform even the most simplest of magic, I chose to pursue my studies in magic theory and artificer-ing. I guess it not really a word but it was the only thing I could do at the time oh and yeah there was martial arts too. And I don't mean to brag but most of the beginning students couldn't even put me down whenever we would spare during class. Maybe it was due to my smaller and more agile body but I would always be able to move out of the way just right before their punches would land on me. It was as if my body was flying through the air and I was going to break if anything landed a single hit on me. But they never could much, and any that landed just made my body grow stronger after the pain fades away.

I even went to ask some of the older students to have a light sparing with me to test my skills and....uh well I'm now directly under Master Keacilius' mentorship. He had rejected and injured every students assigned to him because they couldn't handle the strict regime of his trainings. To start, a student is to wear 40 pounds of weights in each limbs while their torso is another 60. This amount is to be triple gradually over several months. A spell of deceleration and mild regeneration is to be applied at all times of the day. These two spells must be achieved and accomplished within 2 months of the training or the body would be too strained and damaged to continue safely.

With the activation of both spells simultaneously, the body is forced to resist through a denser and heavier atmosphere thus limiting how much blood and oxygen can pump through the body, on top of being in times 3 gravity. While the body is being forcefully torn apart from the inside, it is also constantly being healed on a cellular level to repair any damages. This causes the body to grow stronger and faster with each day of training and recovery. However healing spells are difficult and rare, even for the masters of the mystic arts. Healing magic can only be found in the old primordial ways.

But that's where I came in with my first plot armor- I mean hacks in the story- I mean luck of the draw. Yeah that's right. I got a heart of the card moment. My long studies of many ancient books, theories and marvel movies allowed me to recreate the healing magic of the eternals, however at a much smaller and slower scale. The only problem was actually performing the spell. Being a muggle my only option was to go down the road less traveled and try my hands on creating new relics. Luckily a relic called the pen of Hephaestus narrowly landed next to my head one day while I was reading through an ancient manuscript in the library.

This relic allowed me to construct new items of enchantments, rewrite spells on relics or even create tools and items of metal beyond what a pair of human hands could do. Within weeks of obtaining this treasure I was able to start producing my own crude and simple magical items. I was even able to use gemstones and rare materials to improve the efficiency and power of an item. A lot of people started talking about me because I was repairing a lot of the old and retired relics because they were deem as only for emergency usage. But it wasn't out of the kindness of my heart, it was all just for me to get a better understanding of how relics are created.

Eventually when I was assigned the training by Master Keacilius I saw plenty of opportunities to grow stronger physically and my skills came in handy to allow me to cheat my biology. I would always have to two spells active on my body and weighted clothes. Something must've happened during my strenuous trainings because I was able to start producing sparks of energy whenever I practiced my mother's martial arts. This feeling of moving the flow of energy around my surroundings and through my body gave me an insight into magic that I could not understand from before. Soon after that discovery I was able to start using magic, and boy was it fun. I could attach spells onto my conjured weapons as well as improve the complexity of spells that I can enchant of relics.

Now I'm finally allowed to join the big boys at Kamar-Taj and continue my learning of the mystic arts. It only took me 2 years to finally continue from the first step of sorcery but I look forward to improving my skills and knowledge to beyond my current capability. The avengers should be forming soon in a few years. Maybe I can slip into New York by then.