First Night

It took a little longer than expected to get the costume done. I had to buy and steal all the materials I needed through the black market because what kind of hardware store just casually sell titanium and platinum on an industrial scale to the public? There would be way more suit wearing folks walking around if they could just casually buy all their materials at your local hardware store. Shaping and engraving the metal into what I want is pretty without wasting any material is pretty easy with magic. Though it does make me feel little unease if I can easily disassemble and reassemble these tough and sturdy metals with just simple magic.

Anyways after getting everything molded out and fitted for my body, I began the magic engraving process. Using the my favorite relic, the pen of Hephaestus, I was able to inscribe all the necessary magical and electrical connections to make my own copy of Stark's interface under neath the helmet. It would be so much easier to build everything if I had a fabricator or robotic arms to help assemble everything for me.....I should build an AI to help me in the future but right now I'm testing my suit.

I don't really know how I did it but I was able to fit everything in a backpack, or I guess built into a backpack. With the pull of a string on my left shoulder strap, the backpack will open up and drop the suit along my back. When I put on the helmet the screen comes to life and with a simple will, the suit shifts on to my body. Fuck I don't know if I'm a Kamen rider or the Batman or venom now. Fucking having an identity crisis after 13 years of living and one month of getting my powers. SIGH. I guess inspirations from my past life just come to mind at the most convenient of times.

I'm now riding the train into downtown. Tonight I want to test out my abilities and suit against actual criminals. I don't have my knife or gun just yet but these hands are rated E for every scums causing mayhem tonight. Can't end someone's lifeline if I haven't deem them worthy of that punishment just yet. That would just make me a senseless murder instead of the vigilante I aim to become. Anyways while the train I've been watching people. I'm now a 6 foot tall individual who's sort of looking for trouble but not to start trouble. I'm keeping my eyes out to see if anyone could be an easy victim that some cutpurse or gangbanger would target.

Hmm there seem to be a few but that could just be me judging them for looking like dweebs and green horns to the city night life. Well it's time for my stop now, time to change into the mystic spider once I leave the station and find somewhere dark to hide in. I get out of my seat as the train come to a stop. There seem to be a few people getting off at the same time, but it don't seem like it's all safe. There's a group that's huddling at exit that's also watching out for people. Must be a stake out. I should be on my way to avoid any attention to me.

I lower my cap to keep my face hidden as I walk by the group. My tingles aren't going off for me but I can feel their eyes gazing at my backpack and the woman that got off the same train with me. Now I wouldn't say that she's bait but she's basically bait. I've placed a tracking spell on her when I bumped into her on the way out of the train. Maybe things will happen maybe it won-oh nevermind the group are following us. As soon as I left the station I walk into a nearby dark alley way. I look up and around to see if any windows are lit up or open, then to see if there's anyone in the alley with me. Good there's not a soul or sound of breathing near by.

I jump onto the a wall and begin climbing up towards the roof of the building, after a few short minutes I arrive on the roof top. Man even though this building is only a couple of stories tall the view is pretty nice up here. I reach behind to grab my helmet. Goddamn this is a nice piece of metal. It already a little shimmering under the dim moon in the sky and faint city lights near by. I put on the helmet before pulling the strap, the suit drop down behind my back. With a wrap of my silk scarf, the suit blurs around my body as it equips itself on to me.

The red arachnid eyes in the front of the mask lit up as the display screen infront of my eyes comes to life. I don't really have trouble navigating through the darkness with my spider sense but having day-coloring night vision does make everything easier. I turn my wrist down to access the display controls on my left forearm. There's nothing there in the real world but the display in my helmet has tracked a holographic control panel on my arm. I turn down the red eyes to a slight dim so I can move in the dark a lot easier without getting spotted. I turn a different dial on the panel and a faint blinking light on the distance came on my helmet display. A smile grew on my face as the light has been stopped in an alley way not too far away from me.

I start running towards the direction of my tracker, I jump at the last step of the building to leap into the air. My body begins to fall a little bit as I shoot out a web towards a nearby building. Gravity is pulling my body down but the web allows me to use my inertia to swing upwards at quick speed. My hand naturally let go of the webbing just as I reach moment of critical height. My other hand was already shooting out another webbing as I start to free fall once more.

Not long after my initial jump I soon arrive at the roof of the building next to the blinking light. I step over the ledge to look down at the scene beneath me. The group of boys from the station are surrounding the woman I put my tracking spell on. Her purse has already been snatched by one of them but she still has her pepper spray in hand. I crouch down to get ready incase she can't deal with this by herself. She's a lone woman trying to defend herself from her 6 would be rapist. She already kicked one of them in the balls but they still got her purse. She's warning them to stay back and leave her alone but one more rushed at her. They knock the pepper spray out of her hand as two more grab her arms.

The boy that kocked her only source of defense away laughed in cold heartless malice as he reach out for her blouse. He grips on to the shirt tightly before ripping it off. The woman let out a piercing scream for help as the men around her laughs in unison. Looks like it's show time.