Mother Fu-

I should jump out of airplanes more often because this is FUCKING AMAZING!!! I aim my body straight down to reach my terminal velocity as soon as possible so I can reach the ground sooner than later. Once I came into building height I shoot out a web and use the swing to change my direction to slow down my momentum. Well as much as you can slow down without distributing your initia into other objects besides the molecules that's in the air. I keep swinging through the city until I came down to a slow enough speed I that I can control with much better ease. I swing down to the civilians that are still pinned in their cars or are trapped under some rubbles caused by the Hulk's rampage. I tried my best to clean up and help out as much as I can before the police starts slowly approach me after recollecting themselves and gathering some courage after witnessing the destruction of the Hulk. Seeing this I start to swing away just as one of them was about to come closer to me. Whether it was to thank me or to ask questions I do not know. All I know is that it's my time to go.

I land on top of a building and active my tracking spell of my carry on luggage. Anddd aHA there it is. It's still in the sky hovering above the city. I wave at them to come pick me up and to my surprise they really did come down. I was expecting them to leave after picking up Banner and Stark because I, the random hitchhiker, had finally left their vehicle. But I guess since it's full of so many good righteous people that they wouldn't just leave me here. Not until they get some answers from me, like.

"What's in the bag kid?" Tony look at me with suspension while pointing at the ball of white goop that's sticking to an interior wall of the jet. "Oh that? That's just my carry-on for this flight. Honestly I must I'm pretty nervous being on an airplane for the first time...well I guess technically this will be my second time." I turn over to look at Romanoff and she seems to had cracked a smile from my joke. "Hey eyes over here pal. First my team took a really big hit and I had to deal with a ramaging Hulk. Now I have tagalong riding with me. Do you know what we had to deal with back there?" I nod my head. "Yes I saw the whole thing and I'm not surprised. You guess are used to dealing with mobs of cannon fodders, not specialist." I clear my throat. "With all due respect Mr. Stark, I think you guys are in need of help. If it wasn't for me sending you guys some help this morning I don't know y'all would've found Ultron this soon."

Stark looks at me with a stern look before laughing in defeat and exhaustion. "Look kid, we appreciate the help but this is some serious stuff. I don't think you need to get yourself involved with this." I get out a chuckle too as I lean back against my chair. "You mean I shouldn't help you guys stop the end of the world? Look I grew up loving you guys and y'all are everything that I ever wanted to be. And here I am trying to do my part in helping save the world. I was there when New York got hit." No I wasn't. "I lost my entire family on that day and it was you guys that were my standing becon of hope. If you Tony, hadn't flew into that wormhole I don't think I would be alive to this day to help save others."

Tony and the everyone remained quiet for a few minutes before Tony walks over the a computer to begin calling Maria Hill. She gave him a report on what's been happening outside of the jet while also tryin her best to give any help or advice from her end. Eventually the call ended with Tony asking Maria to give him anything that she can find about me. "Hey ah I'm right here Stark. If you have any questions just ask me." I call out and wave at Maria before the screen turn black. Tony stand up and walk over to Clint to give him a break but was refused because Clint already has a destination en route. "Erm Barton do you want to drop me off somewhere else? I don't think it'll be appropriate for me to come to your safe house on the first day off meeting you guys." I try to act like a shy nervous teen that's slowly getting embarrassed from the tought of being under the same roof as their senpai. Imagine kid Hinata if you will.

"Kid don't worry about that. You're a good person and can stay with us until this blows over. Now get some rest because we still have a few hours to go." I shrugged my shoulder since I tried to give Barton an out of bringing a total stranger into his home but I guess I must've made a pretty good first impression. I shoot some webs into a corner of the jet and make myself a makeshift hammock to sleep in. This might be my first full rest in nearly 35 hours. I climb in and cacoon myself up before slowly drifting into REM sleep. "This guy really is bug theme everything." Thor whisper to Steve while looking at my little corner of the room.

After a few hours we finally arrive on a sunrise farm in bumfuck nowhere USA. Hey I'm not judging though, being this far away from the rest of the world and all of it's bullshit sounds like it could be peaceful. Hell even Thanos had a farm he's ready to retire to once he was done with his life long mission. There's really nothing like being left alone to live out the rest of your days in peaceful isolation with everything you need to survive and remain sane being in the palm of your hands....maybe I should find a farming planet too once I'm done with my life goals. Anyways Barton introduce us to the his family and welcomed us to his hideaway house that's 100 percent self sufficient and off the grid. I'm not sure why but I seem to be pretty popular with his kids, maybe it's because I'm a new guy they haven't seen on TV yet or I just have the same vibes and wavelength as a kid that I know how to deal with them. Or maybe it's because I gave them a little magic show before Barton told them to go back to finishing their chores.

Welp that didn't last long and niether did Thor. He just left to go skinny dipping in a pool of acid to try and remember his vision. Of course he didn't say that exactly but I know just a little bit about the future of this long as me being here doesn't already fuck it up due to the butterfly affect. Hell now Ultron doesn't have the mind stone and have even less vibranium to use for his body...speaking of that would vision even be a thing in this world? Now it seems like everyone one had gotten out of their work clothes and are back in their regular civilian outfits. I didn't want to feel left out so I did the same...except I kept my helmet on because reasons.

"So Silk, just who are you really?" I turn around to look at Steve as he approach me on the porch. I'm currently sitting in a rocking chair that I created by chopping down a tree and shaping the woods into the shape that I needed for the chair. "Want a seat Cap?" I pull out the other rocking chair that I was probably blocking and he sits down next to me. "Thank you." Rogers can't help but be polite. "Well I already told you, I'm the Mystic Spider and my name is Silk Touch. As for my legal name well that's a different topic that I won't share just yet. I'm a kid from Queens and I grew up wanting to be like you guys ever since your debut in New York on that Day." Steve puts on a smile as it seems like I'll give him any answers except the one he wants. "Then let me ask you this. How did you know Ultron was going to Ulysses and how did you send us the files that we needed?" I being to rock the chair for a bit before responding. "I had a vision too. Being a master of the mystic arts I can periodically get glimpse of the future during my sleeps." It's total bullshit. "Early this week when I saw on the news that you guys had just left Sokovia that night I had a dream. A dream of all the avengers either died or dying feet of a man in metal. When I woke up I realized I needed to help y'all but I knew that I just can't walk into the Avengers tower and say I had a dream and that y'all need to believe. So uhmm." I clear my throat in a fake cough. "I broke in Stark's firewall and begin downloading a few things that might or might not be helpful for you guys in the future..." I turn to look at Steve's reaction to my bullshit story. After a few moments of silence he finally responded. "Well thank you for that. If you hadn't done what you had to do to help us, I don't think we would've been able to find Ultron in Africa so fast. The only problem now is that we let him get away with the vibranium and nearly destroyed half a city." I nod my head but then point my finger towards the jet. "Well not all of it. I still have some in the jet. That's why you guess couldn't get into my luggage. I've taken some very expensive souvenirs back with me." Steve puts on a look of disappointment and disapproval while looking at me with suspension. "And what are you planning on doing with that?"

"Oh just your simple tests and try to make a new suit for myself. This bad boy that I'm wearing is nice and all but I need some finer and better materials if I want to have a fighting chance for the big league." I point my finger up towards the sky. "I don't want to sound arrogant and like a dick but on Earth, there's probably only a handful of that can go toe to toe with me. And half of them are already on the team but up there? Up there is where the endless possibilities lies. There could be beings far stronger than any of us combined and to them we're just nothing but a speck of dust amongst a beach of sand and dirt. Which is why I want to be as ready as possible for anything that's beyond my expectations." Steve slowly nod before sighing getting up from his chair. We both turn out head as we hear tony walking out of the barn only to see a dark man following closely behind him. "Is is that Nick motherfucking Fury?" I put a hand over 'eyes' to block out the setting sunlight and to get a better view.