Seoul Train

Rogers and I land on the rooftops of the more impoverished neighborhood while facing the hospital that's sitting on top of the river. It breaks my heart that these people can live so close to such an advance and cutting edge healthcare technology facility and they won't ever be able to step foot inside of it. The whole community can come together and pool in their whole life's saving and work and be only able to pay a portion of one patient's bill. Well there's not much I can do for these people besides try and keep them safe from world ending threats like Ultron.

Rogers and I begin running towards the building, using the rooftops as our pathway and soon we arrive inside the hospital. What we stumble onto was a massacre. All the hospital staffs are either long died or had just died as we arrived because a lot of the bodies are still warm but none have a pulse. The only one that's still alive and fighting for their life is Dr. Cho. Rogers run up to her to check if she's away while I continue to scan the area to see if anymore who still have a fighting chance. "T-the real power is inside the Cradle. The body, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark." Rogers try to comfort her before getting up. "First I have to find it." He turn away to begin running towards the exit while communicating with Barton from the air.

I run over to Dr. Cho and conjure up a minor healing spell over her wounds. "This won't be as good or smooth as your tech but it'll be better than first aid. Please survive this, it'll be over soon. I'll get in touch once we get revenge for your staff." I attached a simple heart monitor on her bracelet that can keep the spell going for an hour before losing power. I get up and begin to run after Rogers. "There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Barton call out over comms as he continues to be out eyes in the sky. "Negative! If that truck crashes, the cradle could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Some how Rogers have already arrive at the highway above the building. He jumps on to the truck that went below him and soon received a blast from Ultron.

He clings on to the door as it swings open and it soon comes back just to be blasted again. This time launching Rogers into the air for a few moments before he lands on a still attached door that's scrapping the road. "Well he's definitely unhappy! I'll try and keep him that way" He tries to stall and buy time for me to catch up while we all come up with a plan to stop Ultron. "You're not a match for him" Barton spoke over the comms as he maneuver closer to the truck. "Thanks Barton." Rogers try to sound more energetic from the lack of positive reinforcement.

"He's right Cap, you're not his match. But we are." I swing from under the bridge as I launch myself from my swing into a jump. I land on the side of the truck causing it to tilt back and forth slightly. Ultron shot out a blast at Rogers to make him hit the windshield of the car behind us but I caught him with my web before he landed. I swing my arm over towards the driver cab causing Rogers to be pulled over and land on top of the truck. Ultron appear from behind the truck and float towards the roof before landing in front of Rogers. "You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you." I leap from my position and land behind Ultron as I sandwich him between Rogers and I.

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Rogers throw out a punch and Ultron easily took the punch like it was an nothing. I follow suit and begin landing my own punches and FUCK! Just how strong are Rogers' hands because it hurts punching metal. But I can't quit now especially not while I'm with the avengers. I continue to throw my punches and hit where Rogers can't land. Even then Ultron seem unbothered and more annoyed than anything else. Steve launch his shield at full force into the chest of Ultron, lodging the vibranium deep inside of the droid. Normally this would incapacitate a person or even cause death but Ultron just toss the shield away like an annoying piece of garbage.

Before the shield could get far from the truck it got pulled back at full speed from my web that's attached to it. I whip the shield into the back left shoulder of Ultron causing him to lose some mobility and controversy that limb. He's finally had enough and blast me away with a ball of energy. He also shot at a bunch of cars to cause them to flip in the air. Being shot into the air I could just change my momentum to get back into the fight but I allow my body follow the fall so I can shoot my webs at the airborne cars, nearby pillars and support beams to make a net instead. My body tumble and roll over the street for a short while before I pick myself up to check on the now suspended cars. I help the civilians lower their cars and help any that are stuck before turning to check on the direction of the now long gone truck.

"Barton, where's Cap?" I launch myself towards the last direction of the truck so I can start building up my momentum."I got two bougies on my six but Cap and Nat are now by the train." Oh fuck me. Try my best to speed up and catch the train as fast as I can, using the jumps and tricks I've practiced in this life and in the games. Soon I caught up to the speeding train but only landing on the side of the last car. I try to catch my breath when my tingles go off, pointing me to the front of the train. A ray of energy had been shot through the train and exiting the cockpit, but what's more important is the end of the tracks that's approaching fast for a speeding train that won't stop. Ultron soon flew out of the train to go after Romanoff and Barton. I leap forward to land on top of the train before running at my fastest speed to reach the cockpit.

Once the gang and I arrive at the cockpit, the track is now less than a few minutes away. Without coming up with a plan yet I jump down to the front of the train and cling on to the train my the back of my body as I plant my feet down into the tracks. "AHHH!!!" I let out a scream of pain while shooting my webs to anything that's on the side of the track to help me slow down the train. However there wasn't enough time for the train to slow down and I took a wooden log to the chest before the train derailed and run into the concrete road. My shoes continue to rapidly erode and heat up from the friction of be trying to stop this massive vehicle. "There's civilians in front us." Steve turn to the twins but Pietro had already disappear to help move the civilians out of the way. "Can you help stop this?" Wanda summoned some of her energy to apply breaks on to the wheels of the train to help slow it down even more. My eyes begin to widen with fear a we quickly approach a building. But just as we're about to smash into the concrete wall the train comes to a complete stop, leaving me with just a few inches away from the wall for breathing room.

I breathe out a sigh of exhaustion as I embrace the cold hard flat wall in front of me. Ahh so nice and cold. I normally wouldn't be able to tell how mundanely hot or cold a surface is because I can't feel through my suit. But my now bare feet are very pleased with having an ability to cool down. After a few minutes of catching my breath I press my body against the wall to push back the train just a few inches before crawling up the wall and out of the sandwich that I was in. I walk over to Rogers and the twins and they gave me a look of astonishment and amazed. "We need to get to the tower. Stark isn't responding." Rogers look at me while still trying to mess with his ear piece. "Great! Do we have a second jet with us?" I try to smile positively before remembering that they can't see my face.