My hero

Belladonna felt a shake and opened her eyes, then saw the man's face as she laid on his lap.

"Time to get up, the boat will dock soon"

She sat up in the other seat of the pickup and yawned, her entire night of staying awake as a wolf now finally caught up after the workout with her fellow drifter.

"That was nice" he said lighting a cigarette "I hope you don't mind me taking one?"

"No" she answered rubbing her eyes.

Looking down to search for her clothes she realized her shirt was off, she wore only her lingerie, with squinting eyes she looked at him.

"Hey! You took it off not me!"

"You could have stopped me to say we had a deal?"

"Oh– but where was the fun in that? You said we go where the moment took us?" He said smiling.

"You said that not me" Belladonna said dressing then took out a cigarette for herself, the reason she didn't want him to see her without a shirt was because of the ample bullet blemishes she has, sure she was fast, but over the years some copper found their mark none the less, luckily it was copper.

"You look pretty in purple" he said and she only looked with her eyes as she blew smoke out the window.

"I didn't even realise it was you..."

Her heart almost stopped, she looked at him closely not moving at first, it would be as simple as grab snap to break his neck, but still he didn't move, and she wasn't going to allow him to, especially since the smell of gunpowder hung in this pickup.

Yes, she smelled it the moment she climbed in, there was a hint of plastic along with it telling her he probably had a shotgun hidden away somewhere in here, so if he goes for it, his dead.

"I don't understand the world sometimes you know?" He said though "I've never once heard someone killed by a werewolf, especially since they said there is only one left..."

He looked at her, she still had that ready to rock glare and pose in her face and body.

"I don't kill humans, never did"

"Then why don't they try and understand you more? I mean..." He grinned as he looked at her body up and down again "I understood you very well earlier today"

Belladonna was rattled, what will it take for him to maybe yell out? Scream, he didn't need that shotgun to spoil her day.

She flinched when he the reached over the back seats and opened a large black bag, she remained frozen, the smell of his weapon didn't come from there, in fact, she was pretty sure it was under her seat that's why he didn't go for it yet.

His hand came back and held a thick stack of dollars wrapped in plastic, then held it to her "Thanks for helping me fellow drifter" he said.

She was in awe over it, carrying that much cash!? She glanced back and saw that bag was stuffed with more!

"Remember our deal? We don't ask questions right?" He said.

She slowly took the money and had wide eyes on it.

"Thats about twenty k..."

She looked at him.

"Nothing of it right? Let's just say you're not the only one running away... I hope it doesn't make you feel like a whore?"

She climbed out and walked around the pickup, scanned for eyes then quickly placed that cash in her rug sack.

"We're drifters tight? This was us passing by each other, no feelings attached" she said and geared up as people started returning to their cars.

"Be safe out there okay?" He said but she didn't look at him, instead she fired her bike up and drove in front of him when the car he stood behind moved.

Still her heart sat in her throat, the money was a bonus but at what cost? Will he squeal? Will he bust her?

The cars started all moving and she heard him start his pickup behind her, it almost made het panic and torque the throttle but where could she go anyway? It was like peak time traffic and she was stuck... Trapped, unless she abandoned this bike and ran.

Slowly they moved on, until it was finally her turn to disembark down the ramp but there were police officials, one held a hand open to her, now her panic doubled.

"Gudday madam, may I ask you please lose the mask and glasses for me quickly?" He asked, yes she's in England, that accent was damn clear of it.

The man held a paper and Bella knew for sure that was a photo of her, it was absolutely one of her!

Heat rushed her under the pan head and bandanna, her hands started to sweat as she contemplated to floor it and race down this ramp, but below stood two fast looking police squad cars, and her Harley was no super bike.

"Y–yes sir" she said bringing a hand to her face but suddenly behind her was an uprise.

She looked back to see her drifter companion fly out of his pickup screaming, his arm on fire and he wove slapped and blew at it.

"Help! Help me—!" He screamed.

The police men instantly went to his aid, slapping at him vigorously, she saw in that moment him give her a glance and bat his eyebrows, she looked in front of her... Open! No one was there! And everyone was too occupied by the burning man!

The deep 'burts' of her bike would be too much of a giveaway so with one quick push with her legs gravity helped her down the ramp.

She gave a last glance back to see him smile and wink, Belladonna giggled to herself, so he was on her side after all...

"And they say that a Hero can save us! I'm not gonna stand in your way—!

I'll hold on to the wings of an eagle, watching as you light the way– yeah– yeah– yeah—!" She sang as she caught the green lights out side port and gunned the bike to freedom.