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Nevada Luna

Nicolas sat quietly watching Saria, waiting for her to wave a hand and say 'just joking' but she said nothing else, waiting for him to open his mouth.

"You serious?" he spilled.

"There are two left, and I'm afraid the other one won't have long, she's walking a fine line between life and death" Saria said but made sure her speech was soft under breath, not anyone could know this.

"Where?" He asked back softly.

She scanned the room then shimmied herself in such a way that her lean had her over the halfway point of the table "You have heard of things men does, wicked things, things some say is only fables and stories, it doesn't exist"

"What like aliens?" Nicolas asked.

"Close enough..." She said still hanging there and took a sip "I'm talking about places like area 51..."

Nicolas snorted a chuckle "Yeah right"