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I bit her

Furnace creek, odd name but fitting inside a place that reaches over forty degrees during the day, Deno slowly scanned the place, a house painted red, outskirts, it should be easy to see among the plain brown buildings but nothing really stood out at the moment.

Despite that it truly felt like he entered the cave of a wolf, what would this age old Luna say if he walked up to her door? That and... How old is she?

If she was one of those who still lived during the time of his parents, would she attack on sight? Or allow him in?

Deno halted as he crossed a three way and saw just out of town towards the greater desert area a house that fitted the description, little wooden red, like something out of a fairytale accept for the fact that its paint was faded and old.

He backed the pickup up and drove off the tar towards it, about a hundred meters with no real road leading there, a worrisome tingle in his chest made him drive slowly on purpose.