WebNovelLast Luna38.10%

His Luna even in death

An age old question, Deno didn't believe in ghosts, he considered himself a thing of darkness capable of haunting the nightmares of innocent people, but here Lorena asked a question that's been haunting him for years.

"Let me repeat what you asked, how did I feel about the death of my parents?"

She nodded.

"Kind of disrespectful don't you think? I didn't barge in here to find out about your personal life?"

"Yet you found out how they all died, want to know how I feel about it Deno? Since my question seems to bother you?"

"Its not that it bothers me, its the way you asked it, how did I feel?"

"Yes? Weren't you relieved to be out of their shadow?"

"You talk like someone who had a hand in their deaths?"

She smiled and sipped on her bottle "Word spreads like wildfire, the two oldest vampires dying off, we all thought they were immortal"

"Well there you have it, even vampires can be killed"

"Are they dead?"