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She was the target

"When did this happen!?" Deno asked slamming his door shut back at Branco's compound.

"You seem angry? Do wolves mean that much to you?" Lorena taunted.

"This isn't time for jokes!" Branco snapped and stepped to Deno "Just when you left, she took a bite out of Lucian and fled"

"Why didn't you call me then!?"

"I wanted to see if you would have success at tracking down the Wendigo in your way" Raphaela said taking a few sniffs in his direction "Clearly you found nothing but alcohol"

"Did you really expect me to find it on night one!?"

"You managed to find Haila that quickly!"

"I know wolves! I know their scent! I've never even bloody seen a Wendigo before!" He yelled scanning the other wolves "Its clear you are two short, don't tell me Lucian went like an idiot after his mate!?"

"He did, and he hasn't returned" Branco said.

"Take me in that direction" he said.