WebNovelLast Luna49.35%

Lets assume they know

"Mom? What if no one wants me? What if I'm not chosen? I mean I am the youngest in the pack?"

Haila smiled at her daughter turning side to side watching herself in the mirror "Why does age worry you my dear Bella? Its just a number"

Turning to her with a frown Haila first stepped closer to adjust the blue dress at her shoulders.

"Don't let that get to you, you've got my genes and you look beautiful, I'm sure they will fall over their feet to have you" she assured Belladonna.

"But... I'm still a teen? All those marginally close to my age are over twenty, I'm still a pup!"

Haila laughed "You're telling that to me? Your father is ten years older than I am"

The girl's blue eyes stretched "Ten!?"

"Yes, so you don't have to worry one bit" Haila said turning Bella back to the full length mirror so she could inspect the dress.