WebNovelLast Luna65.37%

She's listening

The pup wolf? Was this her? All the reports, the rumors and gossip told of a werewolf so skittish its that very shy and careful demeanor of her that kept her alive the longest.

But now what they saw was the complete opposite, her eyes cold and lifeless, lips drawn back so far even in her human form still her gums were exposed above those glinting saliva coated fangs.

Her wolf ears flattened to the back of her head and its clear by the debris of cotton and nylon she already started taring at her jacket.

Belladonna was only in a shirt and jeans, but her muscle structure was enlarged so much it stretched the material, her boots gone, the gloves were off, claws in all directions she constantly tried to slash at the old man before her.

It was so bad already the blood poured from her neck where the steel choker held her, but that pain didn't even bother her.