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The mastermind

He had the van in eye standing sheepishly one side, black civilian thing sticking out like a sore thumb between all the military Humvee's and Jeeps.

But passing a tent something caught his nose, Nicolas realized its a unique smell that belonged to someone special, there was no other like it, almost like Belladonna.

He turned and headed closer, slowly opening the sail he caught the doctor busy attending to a soldier but to the left of this tent lied the white drape, a body clearly under it.

"Sir?" The doctor asked.

"Who's, under there?" He asked.

"Its Raphaela"

Nicolas felt his heart race, there she was, or at least what remains of her in this world.

He dared step in and knelt next to the bed, his hand came up but hung there, did he really want to see her dead? After he saw her in the living so splendorous?

He had to, just a last time he had to see her face... And opened that drape.