WebNovelLast Luna81.82%

Promise me

Since then, ever since then they had an eye on her pack, these Wendigo, these monsters Belladonna has come to know, come to hate.

She turned the picture of her mother to see it again, how beautiful was she, that smile as broad as only a mother to be could have been, she seemed so proud.

Belladonna's heart rocked in her chest as tears started to flow "How... Could you"

"The past is not yet laid out before you my dear, you know nothing of the pain and anguish I went through thanks to your father" Brian said.

"Is it justified then!? Are you happy now!?"

"I am in fact! The bastard that ruined my life is six feet below, and here with me is his daughter, if he was alive today I'd be sure to have rubbed it in his face!"

"My father would have killed you! I know him! He doesn't back off for nightmares! He's the one who gives a nightmare nightmares!"