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Slay the dragon

Shiva could only shake her head, so her initial prediction was true, Roman was caught and when he spoke over the phone Anastasia was listening in.

She had her own rifle ready looking through the scope, sitting in the middle of the once campfire of this place Roman was tied up, and Anastasia was busy pouring gasoline all around him.

She snorted, the bastard probably deserved it considering how Hell bent he was on getting the wolves buried, he was a heartless man.

Sitting back she wondered if she should let this play out? Brian only told her to keep an eye in Nicolas and wait for his call, he said nothing about Roman the two bit bounty hunter's wellbeing.

Shiva eyed through the scope again, vaguely she could hear their conversation, and it was clear Roman was in a pickle.

"Last chance hunter, where are they keeping Belladonna!?" Anastasia threatened.