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And in they went...

Considering everything that happened up to this point Belladonna wondered what's the entire point of being a werewolf anyways, when she can't even bust down a door?

Glaring breathless at that hole in the wood she made Bella felt disappointed only to find two inch thick steel behind it, the wood was merely there for decorative purposes.

Behind the door though Brian finally chuckled announcing he was present, she hated it, after all her threats to kill him he had the last laugh, it made her roar and bash that door again.

"Did you really think I'd throw you in some measly human jail? No-no my dear Belladonna, I invented these kennels for dogs of your caliber, bash it all you want it won't budge"

"Let me out if here!" She snarled through clenched canines.

"Not until you pledge yourself to me"

"Fuck off!"

Brian snickered "My goodness, you really are a tough nut to crack arent you?"