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Can ghosts have rights?

Despite all the chaos and blood that were spilled within the past five years, so far it seemed like an equal argue.

On one side Hellsing acted on behalf of man kind, and on the other side what was done to the wolves was injust.

Ashton Lark was good at his game, but Leah matched him step for step, General Harold Falk from the army was called in along with Adriana Weston of the Navy seals, Patrick Reins of the airforce and finally Hobbs Levington who was in charge of the Marines.

All of them seemed to have been cleared of the case, they merely followed orders from the Pentagon.

Around lunchtime the court went into recess, Deno stepped out with Paula and Anastasia, his hand combed his hair turning to them.

"What do you think?"

"One would think this case can only go one way, but no, despite the fact that wolves were slaughtered mercilessly there are still those who try and justify it" Paula said.