69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode Thirteen Author Morn kunthea

Insulting voices from Lily's class when they see Crush on stage. This number memory contest is Participating joint competition together as there are only three candidates for this skill. As for their partner, everyone knows him because he is the king of mathematical formulas who is older than the principal. But he looks like a boy, about nine years old. The first round started with one minute, they had to figure out the answer and write it on their board. And they can not use anything to help of calculators. The numbers on the screen are displayed as a line with the sum, subtraction, multiplication and division. There are a total of 1,000 of those numbers with strings. By the time all the candidates passed, many students admired their talents. In the second round, there are fewer minutes ahead and there are fractional numbers as well. One candidate made a wrong answer on time and was eliminated. The laughter of the candidates standing next to Crush despised Crush and his opponents, thinking that this was the easiest course for him. And he said he learned to imitate the king of mathematics from a young age. Therefore, he believes that the king of mathematics can compete with him. The third round came to the math test that breaking the figures into reverse forms, which made the candidate whose contemptuous on king of mathematical start to panic and bleed his nose when trying to think. And he saw the King of Mathematics and Crush have already written the answer. When the minute came, he fell unconscious when he saw the answer was zero. Because he forgot to look at the latest multiplication sign with the number 0. The king of mathematics said that the candidate who mocked him was a clever student, but he was too proud that turn him a fool, and cannot find number foolish that fit him . The match continued for an hour and still could not find the winner. Anna and Soe, who were sitting next to her girl group, were very appreciative on Crush. And they have been interested him for a long time, as they do not care the bad rumors about Crush. Lily, who sits in the rented below them, she was reading manga book. She is not worried about her brother, and she does not care about what's happened around her. Even when Anna is gossiping about her that she is a Oni monster and praises her brother. The committee has changed to a new exercise math subject, with numbers rotating in circles, and many numbers mixed into doctoral math formulas. Every student starts to be silent by this calculation, only an angel can solve it.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者 モン クンテイア

彼らがステージでクラッシュを見るとき,リリーのクラスからの侮辱的な声です. この数記憶コンテストは,このスキルの候補者が3人しかないため,一緒に参加する合同コンテストです. 彼らのパートナーに関しては,彼は校長より年上の数式の王であるため,誰もが彼を知っています. しかし,彼は約9歳の男の子のように見えます. 最初のラウンドは1分で始まり,彼らは答えを見つけてボードに書く必要がありました. そして,彼らは電卓を助けるために何も使うことができません. 画面上の数値は,合計,減算,乗算,除算の行として表示されます. 文字列のある数字は全部で1,000個あります. すべての候補者が合格するまでに,多くの学生が彼らの才能を賞賛しました. 第2ラウンドでは,先の分数が少なくなり,小数もあります. 1人の候補者が時間通りに間違った答えをし,排除されました. クラッシュの隣に立っている候補者の笑い声は,これが彼にとって最も簡単なコースであると考えて,クラッシュとその敵を軽蔑しました. そして彼は幼い頃から数学の王様をまねることを学んだと言いました. したがって,彼は数学の王が彼と競争できると信じています. 第3ラウンドは,数字を逆の形に分割する数学のテストに来ました.これにより,数学の王を軽蔑している候補者はパニックになり始め,考えようとすると鼻をかみました. そして彼は数学の王とクラッシュがすでに答えを書いているのを見ました. その分が来たとき,彼は答えがゼロであるのを見て意識を失いました. 数学の王様は,彼を嘲笑した候補者は賢い学生だと言っていましたが,誇らしげすぎて馬鹿になり,自分に合った馬鹿な数字を見つけることができませんでました. 試合は1時間続きましたが,それでも勝者を見つけることができませんでました. 彼女のガールグループの隣に座っていたアンナとソーは,クラッシュに非常に感謝していました. そして,彼らはクラッシュについての悪い噂を気にしないので,長い間彼に興味を持っていました. その下の家賃に座っているリリーは,漫画本を読んでいました. 彼女は兄のことを心配しておらず,自分の周りで何が起こっているのか気にかけていません. アンナが鬼モンスターだとうわさして兄を褒め称える時も,委員会は,数字が円を描くように回転し,多くの数字が博士課程の数学の公式に混合された,新しい運動数学の主題に変更されました. すべての学生はこの計算によって沈黙し始めます.天使だけがそれを解決することができます.

សំលេងប្រមាថពីក្រុមសិស្សក្នុងថ្នាក់របស់Lily នៅពេលដែលឃើញCrush ឡើងប្រកួតលើកឆាក។ ការប្រកួតគណនាការចងចាំលេខនេះគឺប្រកួតរួមគ្នាដោយសារបេក្ខជនជ្រើសរើសជំនាញនេះមានគ្នាតែបីនាក់ប៉ុនោះ។ ចំនែកឯដៃគូររបស់ពួកគេវិញនរណាក៏ស្គាល់គាត់ដែលដោយគាត់ជាស្តេចនៃរូបមន្តគណិវិជ្ជាដែលមានអាយុច្រើនជាងនាយកសាលាទៀតផង។ ប៉ុន្តែរូបរាងរបស់គាត់គឺជាក្មេងប្រុសដែលមើលទៅអាយុប្រហែល៩ឆ្នាំប៉ុនោះ។ ការប្រកួតតង់ទី១បានចាប់ផ្តើមដោយមានរយះពេល១នាទីពួកគេត្រូវគណនាអោយចេញជាចំលើយរួចសរសេរលើក្តារខៀន។ ហើយពួកគេមិនអាចប្រើឱបរណ៏ជំនួយក្នុងការគណនាបាននោះទេ។ លេខនៅលើអាក្រង់បានបង្ហាញជាខ្សែរដែលមានផលបូកដកគុណចែក។ មានលេខទាំងនោះសរុបជា១០០០នៃតួរលេខដែលមានខ្សែរ។ ដល់ពេលកំនត់គ្រប់បេក្ខជនទាំងអស់បានឆ្លងផុតដែលធ្វើអោយសិស្សជាច្រើនកោតសរសើរទេពកោសល្យរបស់ពួកគេ។ នៅតង់ទី២គឺមាននាទីតិចជាមុនហើយមានចំនួនលេខប្រភាគផងដែរ។ បេក្ខជនម្នាក់បានធ្វើចំលើយខុសនៃពេលដល់នាទីកំនត់ហើយគាត់ត្រូវបានដកចេញពីការប្រកួត។ សំលេងសើចរបស់បេក្ខជនដែលឈរក្បែរCrush បានមើលងាយCrush និងដៃគូរប្រកួតដោយគិតថាវិញ្ញាសារនេះងាយស្រួលបំផុតសំរាប់គេ។ ហើយគាត់បានរៀនតាមចំលងជំនាញស្តេចគណិវិទ្យាតាំងពីគាត់នៅតូច។ ដូច្នេះហើយគាត់ជឿជាក់ថាស្តចគណិតវិទ្យាមកអាចប្រកួតឈ្នះគាត់ឡើយ។ តង់ទី៣ចូលមកដល់វិញ្ញាសារគណិតវិទ្យាបំបែកតួរលេខជាទំរង់បញ្ច្រាសដែលធ្វើបេក្ខជនដែលមើលងាយគេនោះចាប់ផ្តើមភ័យនិងហូរឈាមច្រមុះនៅពេលព្យាយាមគិត។ ហើយបែបជាឃើញស្តេចគណិតវិទ្យានិងCrush បានសរសេរចំលើយរួច។ ដោយនៅពេលនាទីមកដល់គាត់បានដួលចុះក្រោមសន្លប់នៅពេលឃើញចំលើយស្មើរ០។ ពីព្រោះគាត់ភ្លេចមើលសញ្ញាគុណចុងក្រោយបំផុតនិងលេខ០។ ស្តេចគណិតបាននិយាយថាបេក្ខជនដែលចំអកគាត់គឺជាមនុស្សពូកែប៉ុន្តែមានអំនួតជ្រុលធ្វើអោយក្លាយជាមនុស្សល្ងង់រកលេខដាក់គ្មានហើយក៏ញញឹមអស់សំណើច ។ ការប្រកួតបន្តរកន្លងផុតអស់ពេល១ម៉ោងមកហើយនៅតែពុំអាចស្វែករកអ្នកឈ្នះបាន។ Anna និងSoe ដែលអង្គុយក្បែរក្រុមស្រីរបស់នាងបានកោតសរសើរនិង Crush ជាខ្លាំង។ ហើយពួកនាងក៏ចាប់អារម្មណ៏ជាយូរមកហើយដោយពួកនាងមិនខ្វល់ពីពាក្យអាចាមអារាមនិយាយមិនល្អពីCrush នោះទេ។ Lily ដែលអង្គុយអានសៀវភៅManga នៅជួលខាងក្រោមមិនព្រួយបារម្មណ៏ក្លាចបងរបស់នាងចាស់ឡើយហើយនាងក៏ពុំសូវជាខ្វល់អ្វីដែលជុំវិញខ្លួនរបស់នាងឡើយ។ សូម្បីតែនៅពេលដែលAnna កុំពុងនិយាយដើមនាងជាOni បិសាចហើយសរសើរបងប្រុសរបស់នាងក៏ដោយ។ គណះកម្មការបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរលំហាត់ថ្មីដែលជាវិញ្ញាសារគណិតថ្មីដោយលេខបង្វិលជារង្វង់ជាច្រើនខ្សែរនិងតួរលេខច្រើនមានលាយជារូបមន្តគណិតថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតផងដែរ។ សិស្សគ្រប់គ្នាចាប់ផ្តើមស្ងាត់មាត់ដោយការគណនាលើកនេះគឺមានតែទេវតានោះទេអាចដោះស្រាយចេញ។