69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode Seventeen Author Morn kunthea

Recall when a group of middle school students came to meet Parker's team, who was standing in the parking behind the Ministry of Information building. They was told Parker's team that the mission was completed and that they were about to return but night shift worker heard their conversation as he was about to board his car. Because Parker caught people eavesdropping on them, he ordered his team whose standing next to him to kill the man. A man is terrified when he realizes that they are Ghouls. He was injured in one of his arms, but he kept trying to get into his car and driving with one hand. But as the Ghouls continued to chase after him, he panicked, he moved the steering wheel and hit a street lamp, and ran into the alley of the commercial building. A Ghoul used a bone out of his hand to pierce the man chest and grabbed the man onto the roof of the building when they heard people passing by. Lily She uses her energy to fight two Ghouls who grab a seriously injured man that they trying to drop him off a building. As for Crush, he ran towards them quickly, hitting the ghouls and kicking them to one side. As they were about to kill the Ghouls, Parker led several Ghouls members to beat Crush and Lily in the back. Parker punched Crush, breaking through the brick ceiling from the roof to the ground floor, and punching Crush without stopping. Parker thought Crush might be dead, but when Parker was about to jump up to the roof, Crush grabbed Parker's left leg .

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者モン クンテイア

中学生のグループが,情報省の建物の後ろの駐車場に立っていたパーカーのチームに会いに来たときのことを思い出してください. 彼らはパーカーのチームに,任務が完了し,帰ろうとしていると言われましたが,夜勤の労働者は,彼が車に乗り込もうとしているときに彼らの会話を聞きました. パーカーは盗聴者を捕まえたので,隣に立っているチームに男を殺すように命じました. 彼らがグールであることに気づいたとき,男はおびえます. 彼は片方の腕で負傷したが,車に乗り込もうとし,片手で運転し続けました. しかし,グールが追いかけ続けると,パニックになり,ハンドルを動かして街灯にぶつかり,商業ビルの路地にぶつかりました. グールは手から骨を使って男の胸を突き刺し,人々が通り過ぎるのを聞いたとき,男を建物の屋根につかみました. リリーは彼女のエネルギーを使って,重傷を負った男を建物から降ろそうとしている2人のグールと戦いました. クラッシュに関しては,彼はグールを叩き,片側に蹴りながら,素早く彼らに向かって走りました. 彼らがグールを殺そうとしていたとき,パーカーは数人のグールのメンバーを率いて,後ろでクラッシュとリリーを打ち負かしました. パーカーはクラッシュをパンチし,屋根から1階までレンガの天井を突き破り,止まることなくクラッシュをパンチしました. パーカーはクラッシュが死んでいるのではないかと思ったが,パーカーが屋根に跳ね上がる直前に,クラッシュはパーカーの左足をつかんです.

រំលឹកដល់ពេលដែលក្រុមកូនសិស្សមធ្យមបានជួបក្រុម Parkerដែលឈរនៅចំនតឡាននៃអាគារក្រសួងពត៏មាន ។ ពត៏បានផ្តល់សញ្ញាថាបេសកម្មបានបញ្ចប់និងបំរុងត្រលប់ទៅវិញនោះស្រាប់តែបុគ្គលិតវេនយប់ម្នាក់បានលឺការសន្តនាររបស់ពួកគេនៅពេលពេលដែលគាត់បំរុងឡើងឡានរបស់គាត់។ ដោយសារតែ Parkerចាប់បានមានមនុស្សកុំពុងលួចស្តាប់ការសន្តនាររបស់ពួកគេគាត់ក៏បញ្ជារអោយក្រុមដែលនៅឈរក្បែរគាត់តាមសំលាប់បុរសម្នាក់នោះ។ បុរសម្នាក់ភ័យជាខ្លាំងនៅពេលដឹងថាពួកគេជាក្រុមGhouls ។ គាត់បានត្រូវរបួសដែលដៃរបស់គាត់បានដាច់ម្ខាងប៉ុន្តែគាត់នូវតែព្យាយាមរត់ចូលឡានរបស់គាត់ទាំងដៃម្ខាង។ ប៉ុន្តែដោយសារGhouls នៅតែដេញថាគាត់ទៀតនោះធ្វើអោយគាត់ភ័យកាច់ចង្កូតបបុកនិងសរសរភ្លើងតាមផ្លូវហើយរត់ចូលផ្លូវនៃអាគារពាណិជ្ជកម្មរបូតដល់ច្រកទាល់ក៏ត្រូវបានGhouls ប្រើគ្រោងឆ្អឹងចេញពីដៃរបស់គេចាក់ទំលុះទ្រូងរបស់គាត់និងចាប់គាត់ឡើងលើដំបូលអាគារពេលលឺសំលេងមនុស្សដើរកាត់។ Lily នាងបានប្រើថាមពលរបស់នាងដើម្បីប្រយុទ្ធជាមួយGhouls ពីរនាក់ដែលចាប់បុរសដែលមានរបួសធ្ងន់បំរុងទំលាក់ពីលើអាគារ។ ចំនែកCrush បានរត់សំដៅចូលយ៉ាងលឿនវាយ ghouls ទាត់ខ្ទៀតទៅម្ខាង។ ដោយពួកគេទាំងពីរជិតសំលាប់Ghouls ទាំងនោះបានហើយស្រាប់តែ ParkerបាននាំសមាជិតGhouls ជាច្រើនបានវាយអោយCrush និងLily ពីក្រោយ។ ដោយ Parkerបានដាល់Crush បានទំលុះពិដានឥដ្ឋពីដំបូលដល់ជាន់ខាងក្រោមដោយមនិងដាល់មកលើCrush ទាំងមិនបញ្ឍប់ដៃ។ ហើយ Parkerគិតថា Crush ប្រហែលជាស្លាប់ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលដែល Parkerបំរុងលោតឡើងលើដំបូលវិញនោះដៃម្ខាងរបស់ Crush បានចាប់ខាងឆ្វេងរបស់ Parker។