69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 87 Author Morn kunthea

Boys team can also practice walking through the fire belt, especially their weapons are also converted into new energy that they can use it quickly and easily. Soe noticed that Zen has not been busy with Lily for a while, so she wants to make a confession next Sunday at valentine day. With the motivation of her girls team as well. As for Lily, she was fascinated by the strange volcanic bubbles that have been erupting in the area of ​​the Ring of Fire for the past three months, while-Sky-sea is listening to a meeting about the strange heat fluctuations on the mermaid island. Ben's team is happy when they hear that Mika has sent the angry Ghoul Dragon to attack Team 69.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者 モン クンテイア

少年チームはまた,火の帯を歩く練習をすることができます.特に,彼らの武器は,すばやく簡単に使用できる新しいエネルギーに変換されます. ソーは,禅がリリーとしばらく忙しくないことに気づいたので,彼女は次の日曜日のバレンタインデーに告白したいと思っています. 彼女の女の子チームのモチベーションもあります. リリーに関しては,彼女は過去3か月間,環太平洋火山帯の地域で噴火している奇妙な火山の泡に魅了されましたが,スカイシーは人魚の奇妙な熱変動についての会議を聞いています 小島です. ベンのチームは,ミカが怒っているグールドラゴンをチーム69を攻撃するために送ったと聞いて喜んでいます.

ក្រុមប្រុសៗក៏អាចហាត់ដើរឆ្លងកាត់ខ្សែរក្រវ៉ាត់ភ្លើងបានជាពិសេសអាវុធរបស់ពួកគេក៏បានបំលែងជាថាមពលថ្មីដែលពួកគេអាចប្រើវាបានរហ័សនិងងាយស្រួលជាមុន។ Soeបានចាប់អារម្មណ៏ថាZenមួយរយះនេះមិនសូវទោរវល់ជាមួយLily ដូច្នេះហើយនាងចង់រៀបចំសារភាពស្នេហ៏នៅថ្ងៃបុណ្យសង្ហាអាទិត្យក្រោយនេះ។ ដោយមានការចំរុញចិត្តក្រុមស្រីៗផងដែរ។ ចំនែកLily វិញនាងបានចាប់អារម្មណ៏ពីពពុះភ្នំភ្លើងចំលែកដែលកើតមាននៅតំបន់ខ្សែរក្រវ៉ាត់ភ្លើងដែលកើតឡើងរយះ៣ខែមកហើយស្របពេលដែល 部隊 Sky-sea កុំពុងតែស្តាប់ការប្រជុំធំពីកំរិតប្រែប្រួលកំដៅយ៉ាងចំលែកនៅលើកោះmermaid ។ ក្រុមរបស់BenកុំពុងតែរីករាយនៅពេលដែលលឺដំនឹងថាMikaបានបញ្ជូននាគកំហឹងGhoul ទៅអុកលុកក្រុម69។