69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 102 Author Morn kunthea

Crush's team arrives at the venue where they have to join forces to run caught flag at the exit to Lily who is waiting there. And each of them had to cross a cliff that had to be dropped from a group of disciples mermaid on the mountain. The boy team running in front of the girls' team smashed the falling rocks, but Red and Ted inadvertently rolled off the hill and tried to shout for their team to move on. At the bottom of the mountain there is a net to protect them, which is already prepared . And at the next turn, the road was so hot that they speed slowed down , and Ken, Emma, ​​Hana, jojo rolled off the road as the slippery road filled with lubrication. Arriving at the road that splits in two, only Dux, Min, Zen, Crush, Soe, Anna jump over as they help each other. Towards the end, there were many pits with flames exploding beneath them, as they passed, as if stuck to a very sticky resin. But their team helped push Crush near the flag, and Crush used his foot force to pull his leg out of the glue to get the flag to Lily in time. Their team was also injured in the test, but everyone was very happy when they passed. Crush, who began to feel pain in his heart when he have emotions but tried to hide it from his teammates.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者 モン クンテイア

クラッシュのチームは会場に到着し,そこで待っているリリーへの出口で捕らえられた旗を走らせるために力を合わせなければなりません. そして,彼らのそれぞれは,山の上の弟子の人魚のグループから落とされなければならなかった崖を渡らなければなりませんでました. 女子チームの前を走っている男子チームは落ちてくる岩を砕きましたが,レッドとテッドはうっかり丘から転がり落ちて,チームが先に進むように叫びました. 山のふもとには,彼らを守るための網があり,すでに用意されています. そして次のターンでは,道路が非常に暑かったので速度が遅くなり,ケン,エマ,ハナ,ジョジョは滑りやすい道路が潤滑油で満たされたときに道路から転がり落ちました. 2つに分かれる道路に到着すると,Dux,Min,Zen,Crush,Soe,Annaだけが互いに助け合って飛び越えます. 終わりに向かって,非常に粘着性のある樹脂にくっついているように,通過するときに炎がその下で爆発する多くのピットがありました. しかし,彼らのチームはクラッシュを旗の近くに押し込むのを手伝いました,そしてクラッシュは彼の足の力を使って彼の足を接着剤から引き出して旗を時間内にリリーに届けました. 彼らのチームもテストで負傷しましたが,合格したときはみんなとても幸せでました. 感情を持ったときに心に痛みを感じ始めたが,チームメートからそれを隠そうとしたクラッシュです.

ក្រុមរបស់Crush មកដល់កន្លែងប្រលងដែលពួកគេត្រូវរួមកំលាំងគ្នារត់យកទង់ជាតិដែលនៅច្រកចេញអោយទៅLily ដែលឈរចាំនៅទីនោះ។ ហើយពួកគេម្នាក់ៗត្រូវឆ្លងកាត់ជំរាលថ្មដែលត្រូវទំលាក់មកពីក្រុមសិស្សខាងលើភ្នំ។ ក្រុមប្រុសដែលរត់នាំមុខការពារក្រុមស្រីៗបានវាយបំបែកដុំថ្មដែលធ្លាក់ប៉ុន្តែRedនិងTedមិនបានប្រយ័ត្នក៏រមៀលធ្លាក់ពីលើភ្នំហើយព្យាយាមស្រែកប្រាប់ក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេបន្តទៅមុខទៀត។ នៅខាងក្រោមភ្នំមានសំណាញ់ការពារពួកគេដែលរមៀលធ្លាក់រួចហើយ។ ហើយនៅផ្លូវបត់បន្ទាប់នោះគឺផ្លូវមានកំដៅខ្លាំងដែលធ្វើល្បឿនរបស់ពួកគេយឺតជាមុនហើយKen, Emma, Hana , jojoក៏រមៀលធ្លាក់ពីផ្លូវនៅពេលដែលផ្លូវដែលរអិលពោលពេញដោយប្រេងរំអិល។ មកដល់ផ្លូវដែលដាច់ជាពីរមានតែDux, Min, Zen , Crush, Soe, Anna ដែលលោតឆ្លងផុតដោយពួកគេបានជួយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។ ជិតមកដល់វគ្គផ្តាច់ព្រាត់គឺមានរណ្តៅជាច្រើនដែលមានភ្លើងផ្ទុះពីក្រោមដោយនៅពេលដែលពួកគេឆ្លងផុតនោះបែបជាមកជាប់ជ័រដែលស្អិតខ្លាំង។ ប៉ុន្តែក្រុមរបស់ពួកជួយគ្នារុញCrush ដែលនៅជិតទង់ជាតិហើយCrush បានប្រើកំលាំងជើងដើម្បីទាញជើងចេញពីជ័រស្អិតនោះយកទង់ទៅអោយLily បានទាន់ពេលវេលា។ ក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេក៏ត្រូវរបួសក្នុុងការសាកល្បងនេះប៉ុន្តែម្នាក់ៗសប្បាយចិត្តខ្លាំងនៅពេលប្រលងជាប់។ Crush ដែលមួយរយះក្រោយនេះចាប់ផ្តើមមានអារម្មណ៏ក៏ឈឺចាប់ក្នុងបេះដូងផងដែរ។ប៉ុន្តែគាត់បានព្យាយាមលាក់បាំងពុំអោយសមាជិតក្រុមរបស់គាត់ដឹងនោះទេ។