69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 152 Author Morn kunthea

Lily's power could not control her strength immediately because she had a lot of energy and was converting into a single energy, so she could not resist her father's Ghoul. Crush gets angry when he sees Lily bleeding profusely over an old scar that she has not yet healed. He exploded his strength with his special ghoul soul, slammed the Ghoul 王body through its fire barrier and helped Lily get out of his grasp. Ghoul 王 uses the souls it sucks to attack them and create a Hell Fire pit intending to kill them all at once. The pit also caused the earth to begin to split in two, creating the final destruction of the earth.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者 モン クンテイア

リリーの力は,彼女がたくさんのエネルギーを持っていて,単一のエネルギーに変換していたので,すぐに彼女の強さを制御することができなかったので,彼女は父親のグールに抵抗できませんでした. リリーがまだ治癒していない古い傷跡の上で大量に出血しているのを見ると,クラッシュは怒ります. 彼は彼の特別なグールの魂で彼の力を爆発させ,その防火障壁を通してグールの王体を叩き,リリーが彼の把握から抜け出すのを助けました. グール王は吸う魂を使って攻撃し,一度に殺そうとする地獄のファイアピットを作ります. ピットはまた,地球を2つに分割し始め,地球の最終的な破壊を引き起こしました.

កំលាំងរបស់Lily ដែលបញ្ចេញមកមិនអាចគ្រប់គ្រងកំលាំងរបស់នាងបានភ្លាមៗនោះទេដោយសារតែនាមានថាមពលជាច្រើនរួមកំលាំងនិងកុំពុងបំលែងជាថាមពលតែមួយទើបធ្វើអោយនាងមិនអាចទប់ទល់Ghoul របស់ឱពុកនាងបាន។ Crush ចាប់ផ្តើមខឹងនៅពេលដែលឃើញLily របួសហូរឈាមជាច្រើនជាន់លើស្នាមរបួសចាស់ដែលនាងពុំទាន់ជាស្បះស្បើយនៅឡើយ។ គាត់បានបន្ទុះកំលាំងរបស់គាត់ជាមួយដួងព្រលឹងghoul ពិសេសរបស់គាត់វាយមួយទំហឹងចំខ្លួនរបស់Ghoul王 ដោយទំលុះរនាំងភ្លើងរបស់វានិងជួយយកLilyចេញពីកន្តាប់ដៃរបស់វាបាន។ Ghoul王 បានប្រើដួងព្រលឹងដែលវាបានស្រូបមកវាយពួកគេហើយបង្កើតរណ្តៅភ្លើងHellមានបំនងចង់សំលាប់ពួកគេទាំងអស់ក្នុងពេលតែមួយ។ដោយរណ្តៅនោះក៏ធ្វើអោយផែនដីចាប់ផ្តើមប្រេះស្រុតជាពីរដែលបង្កើតវិនាសកម្មFinal earthឡើងមកផងដែរ។