Miss Magenta Short film: detective, mystery, triller, romantic Author: Morn kunthea

* frozen death

* The Ministry of Meteorology declared a snowstorm tomorrow. Residents living in areas prone to snowstorms should be extra vigilant, prepare personal protective equipment and stay indoors. Take a break to travel during a snowstorm without crossing the area where they live. After hearing the news of the situation, residents of this area rushed to buy food from the market and the pharmacy to collect the necessary items in case of emergency. There is a music group with three members living together. therefore, they need two bedrooms to stay. They rented an adjoining lounge in a dilapidated building. In the building there is one floor, the ground floor has five bedrooms, and the upper floor is a one-room roof with enough space for individuals to hang clothes or have a party. The couple's music group living in room number one and their conductor living alone in room number six. the high school student with two boys rents room number three and the former electrician repairman rents room number five. Room number two is the owner's room and room number four is an empty room since the police caught a group of drug addicts who lived in this room. After the snowstorm passed, the owner's grandmother came to prepare room number four when the students living in number 3 wanted to separate. when she locked the door she shouted loudly for everyone to come and see what had happened. they saw the man whose living room at number six was lying dying on the floor. he has only blood in his nose with a face as pale as a dead person in the fridge. but they saw the broken piece of the bottle near his body. No one walks into the room because they were afraid of losing clues or logging in just in case. The owner of the house hastily called the local police for a forensic examination. Police intervened and took photographs of the evidence and collected evidence for analysis, it was a criminal case or suicide. The room was clean and empty and had no windows. the body of the victim died as if frozen. Looks like he died by the cryogenic method and the bloodstained fragments of wine bottles. Although they tried to use forensic techniques and 3D lasers to locate the suspect, they found no hand or foot prints of the suspect other than the victim's shoes, which were covered in debris of snow. Police took the body for an autopsy and a blood-stained bottle of wine and took pictures in the room. Outside the room they use the yellow tape, it is forbidden for anyone to enter the area. And took all of the residents for questioning. After inquiring about the person staying in the building. The police are also taking them back to the house they are preparing during the investigation. the data obtained is simple and there is no suspicious evidence related to crimes with the victims. And what the police have even more headache because the body has been dead since 10 p.m., which the owner found the next afternoon at 1 p.m. In a frozen corpse state, he was discovered to have died from soaking in water, parts of his clothes freezing from the humidity. his bloody nose, pneumonia, and blocked arteries after a stroke. Rib fractures with bruises and fractures, such as falling from height But it only happened after death. As for the broken piece of the bottle, the wine had blood on it. it was because he squeezed the bottle by force and smashed it with something after having drunk wine. because they are testing the alcohol limit in his blood. They only saw the broken neck of the wine bottle near his arm, but another broken part that they did not see in the room. they wonder where he falls, how does he soak in water if the room is empty and the door is locked.

* Due to the difficulty of solutions, the police contacted a special detective. A text message from a traditional fax machine, which is just a case in Braille script, sent to a young detector. Miss Magenta smiles at the meaning of the message counted and the amount received after the successful mission. she responded in the form of the cord word GGN. She came out of her office after reading the documents, inquiring about everyone involved, she noticed many loopholes that the police did not record. So she had to go there to investigate with her little suitcase. Arriving in the victim's room, she saw that the police were looking for other traces of the scene. She looked at the drawing of the corpse and imagined the data she had read to the point where the body seemed to fall from a height. She looked around the room without seeing the window, she also looked at the point where the body died again and turned to look at the ceiling. then she noticed that there was a waterproof stain above the ceiling on the drawing line. This made her very suspicious and called for the police to lock the stairs upstairs to check with her. She looked out of the building, counted the location of the stage, which was 90 degrees between the rooftop courtyard and the center of the ceiling of Room 4. After that, she took step jumps, count the numbers measured on the ceiling of the square. she was counting the jumps and stopping jumps until she reached the number of steps she had measured. she is standing in front of a metal container containing broken bottles near the mouth of the container.

* She reached into the container, which was filled with ice that was beginning to melt. And as she suspected, in the bottom of the tank was a key chain that was attached to a piece of the victim's clothing that was tied to the rope as the victim fell from top to bottom. As she tried to hold on to the key chain point, the bottom of the tank slid into the ceiling of Room 4. And the water spilled into room 4, then the label came back to the bottom of the tank.

* She imagined the police questioning those involved in the case. On the day of the incident, the victim, who was a close friend in room number 1., had dinner with his spare room between 5 pm. after they are tired of shopping for emergency use during the midnight snowstorm. As the victim was about to leave, the grandmother who owned the building whose living room number 2 knocked on the door and handed the dessert she had cooked to the couple's room number 1. She also invited the victims eat her dessert too. But the victim refused because he didn't like sweet desserts and hurried to bed when he was so sleepy. The owner of the venue also told them that there would be a meeting at 9 p.m. She told the victim that I thought you didn't need a joint meeting because you look so tired. you need to rest, but beware of snowstorms at night. The victim nodded and left. after leaving the room, he saw boys in room 3, holding food walking towards the building and stopped talking to him in front of the stairs. They talked about the meeting the owner told them in the morning if he wanted to attend. He nodded in denial and said he had already told the owner. As he closed the stairs and prepared to go up, he snatched their red wine from the bag they were carrying and ran to his room with the luggage he had purchased. He said loud and clear that underage children cannot drink alcohol. The boys just moaned because the stairwell door was locked, so they couldn't run to retrieve the wine. They returned to their room as the owner's grandmother stood talking with the man whose living in room 5 to tell him about the meeting tonight. They last saw the victims at 6 p.m. everyone joined the meeting by the time except the victims. And the meeting ends at 10:15 a.m., 15 minutes after the victim's death. During a meeting at 9:20 a.m., they heard the victim upstairs playing the guitar as usual. he played about 2 songs and the last song was halfway and quiet. They didn't heard another sound after the sound of the guitar because the snow is slowly starting to fall. They rushed to the conclusion of the meeting and rushed to their room as the weather started to get very cold with strong winds. they all left the grandmother's room at 10:20 a.m. The boy was looking at the stairs, the light from above was still on, ready to call the victim, another boy immediately pulled him entered their room, while the man living room 5 said goodbye to couples whose living in room 1.

* She smiles, catching some suspicion. then she told the police to find the necessary items in the victim's living room, which was on the roof of the building. When she entered the victim's room, she realized that he was a person who liked to live hygienically and a person who lived good manners. In his room so clean and only has mattresses and a desk by the windows and closets with pictures of their groups. The bathroom only has towels and shampoo. She saw the guitar standing beside the table, she lifted the light up and saw the inscription inside between the strings of the guitar, the word Ring. She opened the closet and saw hanging clothes and she found a small box and opened saw some money, a notebook that she picked up and a notebook in a box to investigate and take pictures before leaving his room. the police begin to do their job by collecting data in his room. She went to the couple's room number 1 and saw that the room was so messy and there was a lot of trash. in their kitchen not yet clean. she saw the dessert take half of the jar and turn into an odd dark color so she took the piece of dessert to research. she finds no other clue in their room. She went to grandma's owner's room number 2 as a normal room of an older lifestyle, she has an old radio placed near her television. she saw family photos of the owner showing she was previously a magician member with a tank on the roof. she discovered that behind the old radio, there was a secret locker containing cigarettes. Miss Magenta wonders why the owner has cigarettes when she does not smoke. She picked up cigarettes for investigation. There is no evidence of suspects in the owners' rooms. she turned to look in room number 3. she found out they were from same sex couples because of the condoms they just used and threw in the trash. she saw the bathroom mirror smashed as someone hit it. shampoo and lotion is slightly messy on the floor. and she knew why they wanted separate bedrooms the next day. she saw the Ring under their bed and the ring wrote the alphabet L. so strangely that no one in the building has a name with the alphabet L. after researching and collecting clues in room number 3. she went to the last room of number five. The room is similar to room number 3 and has many equipment connected to electricity. she saw the blue line wires cut in half and the red line longer than the blue line in the electrical box. So she stand on a chair and tweezers to catch the light in his room to look at electric line she saw a small hole to plug in the electricity connected to the whole room in the building. she smiled again, thinking she could relate what had happened together. after collecting data, she returned to the police station to request more information and report what she found to the police.

* She sat down to read the victim's notebook wrote about his friends and stories related to his daily life. She observes that he is a very competent person as there are a lot of technical words like code mark embedded in words that he fall in love with his girlfriend. he was close to her girlfriend before she married his best friend. they were studying together in IT class before she enrolled to study music with him and get to know his best friend. In his notebook are hidden in the technical code number of the IT words that can spell words indicates that he fell in love with his girlfriend before his best friend confessed his feelings to his girlfriend. He bought the ring to confess his feelings before their marriage, but he kept it because he didn't want to ruin their friendship. Miss Magenta reads the part of the date before the victim's death. He wrote to his girlfriend to make an appointment with him that she was pregnant, the victim's child. The victim knew that his girlfriend had suffered several injuries while she and her husband were arguing. she asked him for help while they were arguing. Because she knew that the victim loved her. But she did not dare to leave her husband because he was cruel. Her husband does not know their secret relationship and she has pregnant. The victim also knows the true character of his friend. So she begged him to plot to kill her husband, but he refused and wanted time to negotiate with her husband. Miss Magenta read last notes wrote song that are half lyrical, which means showing his love to her. After reading the reserved note, Miss Magenta looked at the ingredients in the dessert like an abortion pill, like the substance in a pack of cigarettes. Then she heads for the interrogation room. After listening to her report, police initially thought it may have been a case of suicide for love, but Miss Magenta interrupted the conclusion and said there was a deeper reason. She turned to ask the owner of the building why she had left the tank upstairs and made a secret passage. the owner of the building fearfully said she did it to help criminals escape drug trafficking, but was not involved in the murder of the victims. She went to continue asking why the owner put the abortion pill in the dessert and planned for the couple to eat. The owner was even more shocked and stated that she heard about woman living room 1 having a pregnancy with the owner of room 6. She overheard their conversation from her wall which closed room number 1. She had still suspected their relationship longer ago. And because she hates their bands who always play loud music to disturb her to sleep. above all she hated the couple, never respected her as older and always spoke rude to her. so the owner thought if she miscarried they would fight and leave the rental before terminating the contract.

* After questioning the owner of the building, the police turn to the owner of room 5, who was an electrician. Police asked for information on why he was using blue-colored wires to control electricity throughout the building. the electrician admitted that in fact he did this to the owner of the building in order to cut off the electricity whenever they played music late at night, which made it difficult for him and the owner of the building to sleep and get up early to work. But on the day of the incident, everyone knew the light was not going out.

* The next person to interview was the boys living in Room 3. They said they had an argument the night after the meeting. Because a boy found out that his partner was in love with the man living in Room 6, he saw that the ring worn on his partner's finger was the ring that the owner of Room 6 still wears. Although his partner tried to deny picking up the ring in the front yard, he didn't trust his partner. Because he had seen strange activities that his partner with the man who lived in room 6. His partner started talking, protesting and explaining to the police that he really didn't like the owner of room 6. He only expressed his closeness to the owner of room 6. Because the owner of room 6 begs him to act to deceive his close friends who are suspicious of him. The boy also discovered the affair between the owner of Room 6 and his friend. The day he was talking on the roof, the owner of Room 6 threw his ring off his finger. Because he no longer wants to make the mistake of communicating the secret behind his friend and he wants to bury memories , plan to move away from his couple of friends. After listening to his stories The boy only joined the show and felt sorry for him , he went downstairs to pick up the ring and put it on his finger because it was expensive and he thought maybe being the owner of room number 6 changed his mind to find the ring back and he helped save it. he decides to help him because he shows that he does not look down on people of the same sex , motivates him. After listening to their description, this same sex couple hugged each other crying and happy after being clearly misunderstood. She looked at them with a smile as she had been conscious from the start before they spoke. they are preparing to ask couples for room number 1 for the last time before making a decision.

* The police summoned the husband from the first interrogation before his wife. and they told him that the owner intended to abort his wife with a dessert that she had prepared for them as a present. The husband was a little surprised when he found out his wife was pregnant. But he said his wife doesn't eat dessert because his wife doesn't love sweets like his friend. the police keep asking When you and the victim were together on the day of the incident, did you notice the victim's strange behavior? The husband said they spoke normally, then his friend sang a new song, which he composed half of the lyrics . So he asked them what words to add to the next sentence. His wife said from the kitchen, " Long last day she said goodbye. He also thinks that the sentence corresponds to the following meaning for the next part. because the part is showing love sickness and painful feelings. His friend bowed slightly, nodded and began to sing. Miss Magenta listens outside the glass door, starts collecting data, and thinks the man is trying to hide something. When they ask his wife for information, the answer is the same. But Miss Magenta thought that this suicide was not normal, but intentional. They close the interview and the results of the conclusion tomorrow. Miss Magenta looked at the photo she took pictures at the victim's room again. Suddenly she found overlay of photo frames that look like has another poster behind the pictures. So she rushed into the victim's room and looked closely at the photos on the victims' closets. As she suspected, there is another picture behind pictures in the closet. the picture is the women living in room number 1 are kissing with the victims and write her name Lily love Daddy by drawing the heart. Miss Magenta started out knowing that L stands for the nickname of a woman named Lily. And then when she said the next line of lyrics she wanted on the word L-spot. " Lily long last day, she said goodbye. " and these lyrics took over an old song that was listening together. "Lovesick blues".

* The reason she guessed the right song, which they loved to listen to, had a similar meaning in the new song he wrote had a lot of letters L, like the word sick love, pain love, aligned in right sequence to the left. And most of the stuff he uses in the room is blue. In the song lovesick blues, it's similar to the meaning that is embedded in the memories between him and his girlfriend. It is no coincidence that she remembers the following line, because it is a song they listen to often. She decided to take the sentence Long last day she said goodbye. She meant that she couldn't be like Lily before or that she had to leave him again. Because they are always a secret sign of communication, it makes him understand quickly. But the victim didn't decide to kill his friend, he chose to kill himself, even though his friend later knew the truth, perhaps understanding the friendship they had built together, and he was responsible for everything. "

* The moment to close the case has come with Miss Magenta and the police and witnesses involved in the interrogation room. Surprise and her data, especially the women living in room 1 has the most panicked face and grabs her skirt. Miss Magenta Keep continued the story and made everyone imagine what happened in that accident. "He plants to kill himself by avoiding meeting and goes to his room first. so he was lying that he was tired of not being able join meeting. The owner also believed because of his desperate face. But he was normal when he was with his friend and when he met the boys. After he stopped playing guitar at halfway because he remembered the phrase she said to him. he was under pressure. He sensation of taking wine and walking to sleep in the tank. he was very drunk and wanted to die cold in the tank. But when he struggled to hold his breath and tried to get out of the tank, he had no energy. so he drew his last energy to hit the bottle at the mouth of the tank so everyone could hear the sound he was making and help him. But the wind started to fall along with the snow, no one heard his soft cries. because he moves several times, try to get out of the tank and hit at the key point, the bottom of the tank to slide up and down enter to room number4. The power cord of the tank was not electrocuted because the light did not go out as usual. During the meeting, the women thought maybe he was starting to feel the phrase she wanted to show him. Because when he stopped playing the guitar, she realized that it was necessary to note the secret message that she threatened to force the evening. But she didn't expect him to choose to kill himself. A boy prepares and called the victim on the stairs after the meeting. He can immediately realize that something is wrong if his partner doesn't pull him into his bedroom. The owner also did not order the man in Room 5 to cut the wires because there was no concert. After listening to everyone be quiet for a while and then the woman start to cry, pull out all her feeling she's been trying to hold since she saw her man that love death. Because She was afraid that her husband would suspect and know her secret. For her husband smile of pain he said he had known their stories since the first time of their relationship. But he really loves his wife, so he chose to be a bad person and steal her from his friend. He thought his wife was in love with him . Because she agreed to get married. but after the wedding she still cares about his friend and then he shocked many times that they do bad things behind him while they are arguing. He didn't tell them what he knew as he didn't want to ruin the friendship and he hopes she was noted and will love him as before. He also has a secret that he can't have a baby with his wife, which gets stressful every time she talks about wanting children. Miss Magenta is starting to feel the reason why she felt the man hiding something and not too surprisingly when he heard his wife was pregnant. The women become numb and more painful after knowing all the reasons. They all have no objections to the evidence presented with the case interpreted. Police record case filled "The accident case it was a case of suicide due to pressure from the person he loves". The police released only the boys living room number 3. The other suspects will be taken into police custody to be sentenced by the court on the basis of their respective crimes. Once the matter was settled, Miss Magenta went to receive her prize. then she walked to the exit door as she took out her purple red energy drink from her coat and walked out of the police station with a smile on her face.