
I looked at the patient and saw that he was totally soaked and covered in blood. 

They rolled the stretcher hurriedly inside and seems to have it all under control. 

Naturally, as a nurse, the normal etiquette was to give a hand in any emergency even if your shift was over or you weren't at work but were called to come over but this time, I neglected that rule of humanity just because I was too exhausted to do any other thing at the time. 

Trevor was Parker at the other side of the road and I hurried over to him whose attention was focused on his phone. 

I knocked lightly on the car window and he looked up, immediately unlocking the car. 

"Hey," he said with a bright smile as I sat in and buckled my seat belt. He had a very bright smile on his face that did not only profess that he had a good day but also that he was glad to be seeing me and to be picking me up at work.