

I slanged my backpack on my shoulder and rechecked my passport, making sure it was inside my wallet, my credit cards, and all the credentials I needed for the University before I slung my messenger bag on my shoulder as well.

I only packed a few clothes so that it wouldn't be hard for me to run away in an hour. I sat on the edge of my bed, waiting for the time.

My parents went inside their room at eleven, and I waited one hour to pass so that they were already sleeping. I had already written a letter to them, and I placed it on top of my bedside table so that they could see it easily.

My parents weren't the only problem, but the guards that roamed around the house. I know the secret passage on the wall behind the house, my exit route. I wasn't worried about the trap around the house because I could avoid it even though my eyes were closed.

I need to be fast, or the guards will catch me. They roamed around every thirty minutes, and that was the only time I could sneak to the exit door.

When the clock ticked at twelve, I slowly crept out of my room, ensuring I wouldn't make any noises to alert the people inside the house.

I slowly descended the stairs to the first floor and went to the kitchen. I peeked outside, and I saw three guards slowly walking. I waited for the second batch to pass, and as soon as they walked past me, I opened the kitchen door and ran as fast as I could, avoiding the traps planted around and the surveillance cameras moving around on my way.

I was panting when I reached the door. I hurriedly pushed one of the bricks, and the door opened. I crawled out and then closed the door again. I took a deep breath, wiping my sweat.

"Sorry, Mom, Dad. I only want to experience the normal life of a teenager. I took a deep breath and ran again towards the highway, where I told the Grab driver to wait for me.

It was already one in the morning when I reached the highway, and I'm glad that I came earlier than the time I told the driver to pick me up.

I fixed myself and wiped my sweat so that I would not look disheveled when I arrived at the airport.

After fifteen minutes, the Grab car came, and the driver looked at me frowning. "Why are you traveling this late, Young man?"

"Sorry, uncle. My flight was early in the morning, that's why." I smiled at him. Hesitantly, he started the car, not failing to look behind us, maybe waiting to see if someone was chasing after him.

"I'm so sorry, Mom, Dad." I kept chanting inside my mind as the car moved far away from my home, where my family was.

I arrived at the airport after thirty minutes. I thanked the driver after paying him and went inside the airport. I'm nervous because this is the first time I travel alone. I always have had company whenever I go since I was young, and my parents are always with me.

I know my parents will find out soon where I go, but I'm hoping they will support me with this and won't drag me back home.

I went inside the departure area and waited for my flight. I'm nervous. I'm hoping that the outcome of this is what I expected.

I looked back at the entrance of the airport when my flight number was called, expecting my parents to burst inside but hoping they wouldn't. I bit my lips nervously when I handed my passport and ticket to the staff with a pounding heart, and I let out a sigh of relief when he let me in.

I'm so sorry, Dad, Mom. I hope you'll forgive me for doing this. I glanced at the entrance for the last time before I followed the other passengers to the airplane.

I settled on my seat and looked at my home country for the last time. My heart is heavy about leaving my parents. I know they love me so much, but that love choked me, and it was hard for me to breathe. The mafia was destroyed for nineteen years, and there is no news that they regrouped to build the organization again. Almost all members choose to live a normal life after Dad killed Corpuz. They don't want to live in fear anymore and want their children to experience the lives of a regular civilian, but my mother still feels paranoid about it. I couldn't blame her. I understand her worries, but it's already too much.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes when the aircraft started to move to the runway.

"I can do this. I can manage by myself. I can make my parents proud." I chanted.


I landed at NAIA after more than four hours of flight. I took a breath, trying to calm my pounding heart. I had never been to the Philippines before. When I was browsing the net looking for a location to run to, It popped in my search engine. It shows the beautiful beaches, and I love swimming, snorkeling, and diving, and it quickly captivates me. The other reason I chose the Philippines is It is near my home country, and I can go home as soon as I want to.

I took out my bag from the overhead compartment and followed the lead of other passengers.

I bit my lips nervously when I saw the exit. I already have an apartment to stay in near the university. I have already arranged everything, and I hope I will have a normal life here even in just a few years.

I walked to the exit and stood near the taxi stand. It's eight in the morning, and some people are crowding around, maybe to welcome their family home.

I opened my bag to check for the address to where I was going so that I could tell the taxi driver later when suddenly someone grabbed my bag. I was shocked at first that I didn't do anything for a few seconds.

"Your bag." Someone said, snapping me out of my frozen state. I quickly ran after the man.

"Hey, give me back my bag," I screamed, running after the man. He turned the corner, and I followed him, but I didn't see him anymore. Where did he go?" I need to take my bag. All my papers were there, My bank cards and credit cards, as well as my money and admission into the university. I need to find my bag.

"Where did he go?" A woman asked, jogging towards me. She stops in front of me, panting.

"I don't know," I replied, almost in tears.

"Come, let's look around. He might be hiding somewhere." She walked away, and I followed behind her. We kept looking but didn't see anyone wearing the same clothes as the man who took my bag.

I wanted to cry now. What should I do? I didn't memorize the address of the apartment I rented and didn't have a single cent in my pocket.

"Wait, that's my bag." I rushed to the garbage bin and took my bag, but I felt so disappointed when it was already empty. I slumped to the ground and buried my face between my legs, and my tears rolled down my face this time.

"What should I do now? I don't know anyone here, and I don't have any money. I only had my phone in my pocket, but I couldn't call my parents. I'm so embarrassed and at the same scared.

" You're Leon Miller, right?" I quickly looked at the woman standing beside me. How did she know my name?"

"My landlady asked me to pick you up from the airport because she was busy. I recognized you because she gave me your picture."

"Yes, I am Leon, but I no longer have money. Everything is inside this bag. My money, my credit cards, and my admission letter to the school I will study. I don't know what to do now."

"Are you Korean?"

"Yes," I replied, wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry for your misfortune, but many of them are here. I experienced it before, too, but I'm always alert for that snatcher. I'm Korean, too."

"Really?" I stood up, happy I knew someone from my home country."

"Yes, My name is Aliyah Park. Come, Let's report this to the police, and then let's go home. Your apartment is just beside me. I can help you find a job to earn money, but for your university, We cannot do anything without your admission."

"I only paid three months for my rent. Where should I stay after?"

"Why don't you tell your parents what happened?

" I ran away from home," I murmured.

"What? You run away from home? And of all places, you choose the Philippines? Leon, life here is tough. It's hard to find a job here, especially as an undergraduate. Why don't you go home? You look like you haven't experienced how cruel other people are. That's why those snatchers come to you because you look clueless about them. You see other people there holding their bags tightly and attentive to their surroundings, but you." She shook her head.

"Come on, Let's report this to the police, but we couldn't get a positive result very soon. There are a lot of cases like this, and it happens every day. And once the police caught those snatchers, you still couldn't get back what you lost because those snatchers usually are underage and very poor. And they couldn't afford to return your money. Some of them did it because they don't know where to get money to buy food, and some syndicate is behind them."