


"Brenan, You take our luggage."

"Why me?" He quickly protested but I smacked his head.

"Be useful while you are here if you don't want me to call uncle Brent to bring you home. You shouldn't be here in the first place."

"Fine!" He huffed and trudged to the luggage claim area. Bobby and Aries chuckled while watching the sulking Aries walking away from us.

"You really know what button to push," Bobby commented.

"He only obeyed because he knew I was right."

We silently followed Leon out of the airport making sure he wouldn't notice us or we were dead. He is kind but he has a temper like his father.

He looks like a fish out of the water with people around him. He was nervous by the way he kept rubbing his palm on his leg while he stood at the taxi stand.

This is the first time he went out alone and it wasn't just outside his parents home but outside the country.

"Look at him. He was nervous but why still run away." Bobby commented. " He can't live on his own. People will take advantage of him."

"It's Aunt Lara's fault why Leon ran away. She's so strict and overprotective of him. He's nineteen years old but he couldn't leave the house without a bodyguard." I sigh.

"Shit!! I cursed when a guy snatched Leon's bag. Aries was on the guy's tail instantly while we watched Leon stay rooted in his spot for a few seconds before what happened sank in his mind and he ran after the snatcher.

We discreetly followed behind him as he frantically searched around.

"Got it." Aries rushed to us and handed the bag to me. I took it from him and took out all the content smiling.

"Throw it beside the trash can," I whispered to Bobby.

"What are you doing?" He whispered back but I only grinned at him.

"Hurry, he's coming back," Aries whispered looking behind us where Leon is looking around with a girl following behind him. Bobby hurriedly throws the bag beside the bin and we quickly hide beside the wall.

I watched Leon with my video camera ready to record everything that would happen once he saw his empty bag. I grinned when he rushed to pick up his bag as soon as he saw it but slumped down on the ground when he found it empty, and I didn't expect him to cry. The three of us exchanged glances because this is the first Leon cry.

The woman told him something we couldn't hear and after that, they left together.

We quietly followed them to the parking lot and I wanted to laugh to see the horror in Leon's eyes when he saw the car of the woman beside him. Even I, myself was scared for his safety.

" Are you sure we let Leon inside those things? It might send him to hell." Aries whispered beside me. I glared at him but bit my lips to stop myself from laughing.

"Can't you see? The girl is still alive. It only means it's safe." Bobby commented, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. If something happens to Leon while inside that car, you two face uncle Scott and aunt Lara. I'm out."

"Stop being dramatic, Aries. Go get Brenan. I'm sure he is already cursing us to death."

"That brat." Aries mattered and walked away.

Is the car we rented already here?" I asked Bobby as we watched the car where Leon was slowly moving out of the parking lot.

"Yes, the driver said she's near the taxi stand waiting. He said he will drive us to the place where we are heading.

"That's good. We just wait for Leon there before we go to our apartment. I want to see the place where he's going to stay so that I can report it to uncle Scott."

We headed back to the entrance of the airport and I chuckled seeing Brenan throwing a tantrum to Aries who just pretended he didn't hear it. I went beside him and smacked his head.

"Stop being a brat. No one asks you to come." I glare at him and he glares back, crossing his arm over his chest.

"Do you know who I am? I am the son of your second boss. Ouch!!! Ashen that hurt." He whined rubbing her leg that I kicked.

"You know I am joking." He pouted. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck and ruffled his hair.

"Not my hair." He whined pulling away from me. He huffed and clung to Bobby's arms grinning. Bobby just shook his head and poke his forehead.

Sighed Brenan is everyone's baby brother. This kid is so sweet and kind like his cousin Leon, but they are a force to be recon. Brenan is a genius like his father and skilled in fighting like Leon especially in using needles. Bobby, Aries, and I also were trained using it but Leon and Brenan were like they were born for it.

They learned to use needles within two years and they perfected it after another year while Bobby is the second to learn it. Six years Bobby perfected it while Aries and I were only perfect using it two years ago.

"Come on, that's our car," Bobby said, pointing at the car not far away from us. Aries and Bobby pushed our luggage while Brenan and I followed them holding each other's hands.

"Where's Leon?" He asked. Bobby is a kid sometimes but he instantly changes into a mature one when we are talking about serious matters.

"He left already. We just met him at his apartment.

"Aries said he was robbed. Is he alright?"

"Yes, but he cries." I chuckled.

"Cry? Leon cried?" I nodded and went inside the car. He followed and sat beside me. Aries sat at my left side while Bobby occupied the front seat.

"Uncle, can you drive us to this Address? You can leave us thereafter. We will use GPS to our next destination." Bobby told the driver of the car that we rented.

"Okay, sir.

"Yes, he cried." Brenan sighs sadly.

"Let's bring him to our apartment then. I'm sure he cried because he doesn't have money left with him." Bobby glances at me and I bite my lips. Now I'm scared of this kid. What would be his reaction if he found out I took Leon's things and hid them from him?

"We cannot. He shouldn't know that we are following him. If he finds out we are dead."

"But he doesn't have money. How will he survive? "

"He will find a way on his own. I'm sure of that." I reasoned for him avoiding Aries and Bobby's eyes. I'm sure they are both worried in case Brenan finds out what I did.

"How? Leon doesn't know how to survive on his own without money. He's going to starve to death.

"Let's see first. If he couldn't find a way to earn money then we give him money, but for now, let's just watch him. You want to die in his hand?"

"Of course not." He glared at me.

"Then shut up." He threw me a death glare but I only smiled at him.

The car stopped in front of a two-story building. The place looks okay, and clean outside but it isn't the kind of place Leon used to stay.

"This is where Leon is staying? The servants quarters at home are bigger and nicer than this." Brenan commented and I agree with him.

The driver said goodbye to us before he stepped out of the car. Bobby occupies the driver's seat and Aries transfers beside him.

"What is Leon thinking? Why does he rent an apartment in this kind of place."

"Will you shut up, Brenan?" I snapped at him, annoyed by his blabbering.

"I'm just worried about my cousin which you should too because he is your fiance but it seems like you are enjoying his misery."

"He brought this to himself and not me, so he better suck it up. And about the fiance thing, it was only arranged by our parents, and we only agreed to it to not upset them. I hope Leon finds a woman he likes and grows a backbone to stand for his love."

"So you don't like Leon? How about me? Do you like me?" "Ashen!!!! He hissed when I punched his shoulder.

"You're not my type, brat." He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't like you either. In my eyes, you are a man." I huffed. Bobby and Aries burst into laughter. I punched Brenan in anger but he caught my wrist before it hit him grinning at me. I gritted my teeth and raised my legs to kick him but only pin my legs using his legs.

"Brenan! I hissed in warning. I know I couldn't win with him. Even though he is a year younger than me, he is taller. Standing 5'9" with a fit body, he is stronger and more skilled than me.

"Let go of me."

"You'll punch me if I let go." Bobby and Aries only ignored us because they are already used to us always bickering and fighting since we were young. The first thing we always bicker about is we are fighting for Leon's attention.

"Just let me go." I hissed.

"No!" He cussed in pain when I head-batted him. He quickly rubbed his head and I did the same.

"Stupid." He snarled which earned punches from me. He glared at me and then opened the door of the car but I quickly grabbed him back when I saw the familiar car approaching.

"Close the door. Leon is approaching." I snarled at him and thankfully he quickly pulled the door close.

"Wow, that's my type." He whistled when he saw the woman with Leon stepping out of the car. I agree with him. She's pretty and tall, and I hope Leon will fall in love with this woman.