

I went inside our apartment quietly while Aliyah went straight to our room and when she came out she went to the bathroom and took a bath. I waited for her so that we could eat our dinner together, wondering who those men were earlier.

Fifteen minutes after she stepped out of the bathroom dried her hair then settled on the chair in front of me.

"What happened to the fish? Why does it look like a minced fish? She poked the fish using her fork and then looked at me.

"It sticks on the pan that's why it becomes like that. "I explained and poured the instant soup into a bowl. She pursed her lips then stood up from her seat then returned the soup to the pot.

"Why?" I was confused.

"It's so thick." She shortly replied and added water to it and boiled it again.

"Sorry. This is my first time cooking." I whispered. I'm proud of myself earlier because it was the first time I cooked my food but seeing Aliyah's reaction, I felt embarrassed.

"It's okay at least you try. Don't worry you'll get better with more practice." She smiled and poured the soup into a bowl again. "But you make our apartment spotless of dirt."

"I want to help even just a little. I don't want to be a burden to you."

"You staying here, and sharing the rent is already a big help. Now eat because it's already late. It's your first day at work tomorrow. You should give Paul a good impression. I smiled this time nodding.

I wanted to ask her who those guys were earlier but I don't want to intrude. I'll just wait until she is ready to open up with me.

After we cleaned the kitchen we went inside our room and Aliyah was instantly out after a few minutes. I feel bad for her. I'm sure she's very tired.


The following morning, I woke up first. I quickly took a bath and boiled water before going back to our room and woke Aliyah.

She quickly took a bath while I made our coffee, and made a peanut butter sandwich for both of us.

When she stepped out of the bathroom she was already dressed up for work while brushing her hair. She smiled and said thank you before she settled on the chair in front of me and ate her breakfast.

We hurried out of our apartment after we cleaned the table and went straight to his car, which never fails to scare me, but I don't have another choice. I settled beside her and buckled my seat belt. I just rolled my eyes when she chuckled as she reversed out of the parking lot to the busy street pack of cars that were moving like snails.

I let out a sigh when we arrived in front of the building where we work after an hour. I followed Aliyah inside and Paul greeted us. Luckily we were ten minutes earlier before our work started.

"Ready for your first day?"Allen asked, standing beside our boss. I smiled and nodded in response. "Come I'll show you our locker and I'll give you your uniform." Aliyah smiled and patted my back.

"Good luck." She whispered. I smiled and I followed Allen.

"This is the male locker. This is your locker and beside your locker is Bryan. And the cleaning materials you need are inside that room." He pointed to the room at the end of our locker to our right. "And the room on the opposite side is the shower in case you need to bathe after work."


"Here is your uniform, you put it on and follow me after so that I can show you what you should do."

"Okay, thank you, Allen." He just smiled and patted my back before he left. I stuff my bag inside my locker and change my shirt with our uniform.

It's a grey collared shirt with the name of the gym printed on the back and the chest area, my name is printed. I folded my shirt and put it inside my locker and found Allen after.


My work was not hard at all, actually, I enjoyed it. During our lunchtime, everyone teased me because some of the female customers were trying to hit on me. I felt embarrassed about it because I wasn't used to it.

I have never been out without a bodyguard before and women flirting with me is a new thing to me. I didn't even know that they were flirting if Jomar didn't point it out. I thought they were just being friendly toward me.

"You're so dense?" Jacob told me earlier, laughing. What can I do? I was locked in the safety of my parents home since I was born. Sigh.

Now we are heading home and Aliyah still sniggers stealing glances at me.

"Stop laughing." I huffed. "It wasn't funny at all."

"Not funny? My god Leon, you are so naive. Have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

"No!" I quickly replied, blushing. I fixed my eyes outside the window because I felt embarrassed. Some teens younger than me already have multiple girlfriends but I never have had even a single relationship. This is one of the reasons why I run away from home. Mom was so strict. When we are outside. When she sees a girl looking at me, she will throw her a death glare. Sigh, my mother is so possessive. I wonder how dad could endure her possessiveness. The only girl that can get close to me is Ashen, but I saw her as my younger sister."

"What? As is none?" Aliyah dramatically asked. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth. Is that really shocking to know that I have never been in a relationship? I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Eyes on the road, if you don't want us to die." I huffed.

"Sorry, but for real?" I didn't reply to her and just returned my eyes outside the window.

"Why? You're hot as hell. You can be an actor or a model.

"What?" I didn't expect to hear it from her. I snapped my eyes at her and I grinned when I saw a red shade on her cheeks. "I know I'm hot as hell." I grinned, and she glared at me this time.

"Conceited. But why don't you have a girlfriend? I'm sure many women will drop to their knees in front of you just to get your attention."

"You're exaggerating."

"I'm not. I'm telling the truth. Did you see those women earlier? I'm sure even if you fart in front of them they will say that it smells good."

"You're gross," I said in disgust and she burst into laughter.

"But for real dude? Why have you never had a girlfriend until now?"

"Let's just say, I still haven't found the one. I will only enter into a relationship if I'm sure that she is the one. I don't want any fling. My first would be the last.

"Wow! Whoever she is would be the lucky one."

"How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No." She shortly replied, clenching her jaw. I pursed my lips.

"Did your boyfriend dump you?" I teased but I quickly regretted saying it when she punched my shoulder. I winced in pain and I'm sure bruises will appear very soon.

"Why did you punch me? That's painful you know. Now I'm sure that you were dumped by your boyfriend."

"I wasn't dumped. I dumped him. I almost killed that bastard." She said all playfulness on her face vanished. She took a deep breath and let it out.

"Change topic."

"Oh, okay." But no new topic came to mind and we ended up in a deafening silence until we reached our apartment.

I quickly stepped out of the car as soon as she pulled in front of our apartment and Aliyah followed. I looked back when she squeaked and there was a man with his arms around her neck.


"Don't come near or I'll choke her to death." He warned. I could see that he was drunk, but there were two other men with him.

"Let me go you asshole," Aliyah screamed and elbowed him. His hold loosened and Aliyah quickly broke from his hold the two other men rushed to her but she punched one and kicked the other guy.

"Get her.!" The guy earlier ordered. Two more men came. I rushed to Aliyah and then pulled her behind me.

"So, you change me with this guy?"

"What are you doing, Leon? Let's just run inside. She said and pulled me running to the entrance of the building.

"You bitch!! Get her."

" You are here again?" I looked at the three other men who just came and I recognized them. They were the men last night.

"I just want to talk to Aliyah."

"But it doesn't look like that. You want to go back to the hospital?" The man last night said with his arms crossed over his chest. The man who choked Aliyah glared at him but walked away followed by his four companions.

"What are you doing here, Mike? I already told you I don't want to go back there."

"You'll earn big this time. Boss Logan asking for only one fight."

"No, and that's final," Aliyah replied and walked past them and I followed behind her quietly.