
I wanted to shake Opaline's father and tell him how selfish he's being. He wants to see his daughter even though she hasn't requested so. Her mother and Jacques seemed to come to terms that she was safe and being looked after, but the father…

"Alpha Merle, I'm not sure if you just didn't hear me or you are being stupid, but Opaline isn't in any state to see any more people right now. She already panicked a few times to the point of her heart beating too fast, she doesn't need any more stress right now."

"You listen here, boy," Alpha Merle hissed. "Opaline is my daughter! If you don't let me see her, it'll be war on your pack!"



I shook my head in disbelief. "You'd ruin your daughter's chance at happiness over something as stupid as this? I realize you're her family and she may love you, but the rules in this pack are that no one is allowed to see the patient without their mate's permission, unless of course they don't have one, then they're allowed in. Because I'm Opaline's mate, I do not give you permission. And, since I'm the Alpha of this pack, I will not let you endanger her or anyone else because you're trying to be stupid. When she is feeling like herself, I will ask her if she wants to see you, but now isn't the time. She just woke up not too long ago and is overwhelmed and petrified. I would think you'd want her to feel better before barging in on her privacy."

Selen took her mate's arm and pulled him back, giving me a gentle smile. "Please, make sure she heals. I am forever grateful you are her mate and not someone else."

"Selen, he's holding her captive!

"Merle, he's giving her choices, a life, and letting her heal. He hasn't even given her the official title of Luna yet because he knew she wasn't ready."

Alpha Merle growled lowly but my attention caught onto someone else, someone I haven't seen in a long time. I said to Opaline's family, "I have business to attend to. When my Beta informs me that you have intruded, my men will be waiting. Don't try to do anything. Please, excuse me now."

I walked away to the woman standing just inside the hospital doors. She smiled when she saw me, gliding forward and giving me a tight embrace. "Lykaon, I would have thought you'd be thriving now that you're Alpha, but it seems you're doing the complete opposite."

"Oh, Bree!" I whispered into her hair. "I was thriving until the other night. I haven't slept in so long, and I can't think about pack needs when my head is in mud."

She pulled away, her green eyes concerned. "What do you mean?" She looked around. "I would have also thought you'd have a mate by now."

"I do have a mate," I say, pulling her after me and down the hall. "Goddess! Bree, she's a wonderful mate!" I stop near an office and look inside, then pulled her in with me. Locking the door, I paced around trying to figure out how to tell her. "Bree, I'm so lost!"

"Is that why you're here at the hospital and telling Alpha Merle to back off?" I nod solemnly. Bree walked over and wrapped her arms around me again. "What happened to her? Tell me everything."

I do from the moment Opaline and I met up to now. I tell her how Opal tried to protect me and Nadine, almost losing her hand in the process. I tell her about Opal's past and why Bertolf seemed to cause some of those memories to reappear, how Opaline was deaf for so long, but now she's able to hear. How Truent took so long in surgery with Opal, and I was a mess. I told her of everything good and bad when finally having Opal as my mate, and she listened carefully.

When I finally finished, Bree had on a sad smile. "Lykaon, it sounds like you've been through a lot more than I have. Deryn and I haven't had such troubles, but that doesn't mean we won't. So, tell me. Did Opaline call your name when she woke up?"

I nod, smiling a little. "She did, so loud and through the link. It was the worst migraine I've ever had."

Bree seemed awed by this. "That's so adorable, Lykaon!" I sit down in a chair and sigh. My friend gives me a warm smile. "What does her wolf look like?"

I tense at this question. "She's small, tiny actually." I look into those green eyes and say, "Aryn is going to try and kill her if he sees it."

"She's one of them?" she gasps. I nod. "Aryn needs to move on. Maybelle hasn't been alive for years!"

"He's determined on catch and killing whoever killed her. He's going to immediately think it was Opaline, but she's too innocent for that."

"You're not going to invite him to the Luna Ceremony, are you?"

"I have to. He's an Alpha. Any alpha is welcome, it's tradition."

Bree shakes her head. "Lykaon, he's not going to do it in public where people can see him, you know. He's going to get her alone somehow."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

You might want to come here, Klyn says in a hesitant voice.

What's wrong?

I'm not sure, but Opal isn't exactly…coping.

What do you mean?

I can't explain it, Lykaon. I just need you here before something bad happens!

I stand up and run out the door, Bree calling my name. Rounding corners and slamming doors, I make it to Opaline's room and walk in. Klyn is at the opposite end of the room, trapped in a corner by Opaline who has grown claws but hasn't shifted yet. My friend looks terrified as she closes in on him, shaking somewhat.

I lunge and wrap my arms around her body, making us crash to the floor. "Get out!" I yell at Klyn. "Make sure no one enters!"

"Let me go!" Opaline screams. "She needs to be saved!"

"Opaline! Stop!" I order, but she struggles even more. Getting on top of her, I flip her onto her back and pin her hands to her sides. She stares into my eyes with a hazed look, her eyes not really focused. "Snap out of it!"

Tears welled up in her eyes. "She's going to die!" she hissed.

I lean closer and kiss her lips. "The girl is safe. You saved her already. There's no need to hurt yourself anymore."

Opaline blinks furiously and finally looks around before shock and pain make her scream. I get off her, pick her up in my arms, then put her on the bed. She ripped out the IV and from where it was injected into her good arm, was now a gash that bled a little. I pressed a call button on the bed and sat down, pulling my mate into my lap. She continued screaming and it was all I could do to not break down.

The door opened and Truent and a young nurse came in, saw Opaline's arm and her painfilled face, then got to work. At the door, Bree was standing with Klyn, both looking a little worried and lost on how to help. But I didn't need them right now. I needed Opaline to not be in pain anymore. I needed her to come home with me.

"Hold her still," Truent said, and I tightened my grip as he poured alcohol on her arm, making her thrash and scream louder.

"Shh, shh. It's alright, baby," I say into her ear. "The pain will end soon. He's just cleaning your wound, then he'll stop the pain."

Truent wrapped a bandage around her arm, then stuck a syringe into her neck. I glared at him to which he responded, "It's a sedative, to help her relax."

After a few minutes, her screams died down and she went silent and limp in my arms. I laid her back down and wiped her tear stained cheeks, then pulled the blanket up to her chin. Truent came over and took her vitals before telling the nurse to leave.

Once she was gone, he said, "I am going to bring a recliner in for you. It seems she isn't calm with anyone but you, so I'm allowing you to stay here with her for a while. I can't see another way of keeping her calm without knocking her out every time and I can't do that."

"Klyn can tell you what happened, I only got here before she diced him up," I say hoarsely. Truent nodded and a minute later, a chair was brought to one side of the bed where I would be able to be close and protect her.

"I'll talk to him then," he said, and walked away.

I sat beside Opaline, stroking her hair and rubbing her cheek with my thumb, begging her to find peace and happiness. She looked like a child while sleeping, which I never noticed before. Her face was smooth and unmarred, her hair—although messy from the bed—was long and beautiful, her body was small in contrast to mine, her feet only reaching a few feet from the end of the bed. The hints that gave her away as a woman were her curves and her celeste eyes that have seen so much in this cruel world.

"Lykaon, may I come in?" Bree asked from the door. I'd forgotten she was there. I nod, looking up at her. She came over and looked down at Opaline with wonder. "She really is beautiful, Lykaon. Perfect for a Luna."

"If only she'd stop ending up here," I whisper.

"Just give her some time, she'll be alright." Bree cupped my cheek. "You'll see. She will survive and become your Luna."

I nod. "How is Deryn?"

"He's good. He's here but letting me have some time with you. He knows how close we were."

"And he's not jealous?"

"I think he knows you found your mate, but didn't tell me, which is why I was able to come alone to meet you. He's only come to the pack to keep me safe."

"Is Deryn good to you?"

Bree laughs. "You sound like my father, Lykaon!" I smile and shrug. "Yes, he's good to me. His pack is great! I'm well loved."

"I'm happy for you," I say and stand to hug her.

"You'll get through this with Opaline. She's stronger than either of you knows. The way you brought her out of her weird state was like nothing I've ever seen. She immediately responded."

"She always has."

"I can tell she loves you," Bree whispered. "And you love her."

We pull away and I run my hand through my hair, sighing out a heavy breath. "I do."

She smiles and backs away. "I need to go. I wish your mate well and your relationship the best. Deryn is calling, so it must be time to go home. Goodbye Lykaon."

"Goodbye Bree," I say and watch her walk out the door before turning to my sleeping mate. I lean down and kiss her lips, nose, and head, then whisper, "We'll be fine. You'll be fine." She didn't wake, but I think I saw her lips turn up a little.