Touching Her Body

Talisa didn't know what was happening to her, but she felt a power flowing out along with the greenish light. Talisa could feel the touch of Darius' hand on her thigh which was not covered by anything. The man touched right under the hot pants that Talisa was wearing. That part is a part that is quite sensitive for Talisa and Darius' touch makes a strange feeling in Talisa's heart.

Even though Talisa didn't understand what was happening, what was clear, the light that came out of her made the man in front of her unable to shoot the fire from his hand. At the same time, the ground began to shake. The men who were blocking Talisa widened their eyes and looked at each other. Some began to step back.

"Run!!" cried one of the men.

They started running away from Talisa, but suddenly the ground split open right where they were standing. Their screams sounded very loud as they fell into the cracks in the ground. A second later, the ground was completely covered again. Everything happened so fast and Talisa was confused, how could this happen?

The bright green light from Talisa's body faded and suddenly she felt very tired. Her legs felt weak and she could not stand up. Then everything went dark and Talisa felt herself fall into silent darkness.

"Talisa!" cried Darius.

Quickly, Darius caught Talisa's body before it fell to the ground.

"Idiot and weak," Darius muttered while holding Talisa. He then took Talisa away, to a safe place.


Talisa woke up to the sound of gurgling water. The silent darkness began to change and now Talisa not only heard sounds but also saw light. He opened his eyelids slowly, then blinked to adjust to the bright light.

"You finally awake."

The sun-blond-haired boy's deep voice startled Talisa. She almost thought that everything she had experienced was a dream. However, the man's presence made her realize that everything was true. Now Talisa realized that she was in a room with a bright light on, there was a little fish tank inside the room which was the source of the sound that woke her up earlier. She was laid on a bed covered with silk sheets. This was a luxurious room that Talisa had never seen before.

"W-where am I?" Talisa asked confused.

She tried to get up, but her body was still weak. However, a moment later she was surprised because she found herself changed into a mini nightgown, a low slit, which exposed her beautiful figure. The man looked at her with a straight face as usual while leaning against the wall. His hands folded in front of his chest. He only wore khaki-colored trousers without a top. His muscular body looked like a statue of a Greek god.

"W-what did you do to me?!" Talisa exclaimed while covering her chest with both hands. Talisa's thoughts made her gulp. Could it be that this man had slept with her while she was unconscious?

"You passed out for so long and your heart almost stopped, I had to do this," Darius replied.

"D-doing what?" Talisa asked. She was trembling. But her heart was beating fast and her face was flushed red as if betraying her brain that was desperately defending her pride. Talisa had never seen a man this handsome, but Talisa was not a woman who easily gave herself up to any man. But why, did her heart even feel warm like this, making her cheeks also feel hot. Talisa lowered her head to cover her blushing face.

"I have to get your heart to beat normally again. At first, I wanted to do CPR, but it was no use. Then I remembered that the touch of my hand on your thigh can make you give off a tremendous amount of power, so I touched your thigh again. Your heart rate is indeed starting to rise," said Darius.

"Th-then?" Talisa asked. Her heart was beating faster. That didn't explain at all why she was able to change into a thin nightgown. Talisa was wearing a loose t-shirt, jeans jacket, and denim hot pants. Where did all that go?

"But it wasn't enough to get your heart rate to normal, so I tried to touch your arm. That's why I took off the jacket you were wearing," he said casually and flatly. No expression. Is this man a living being or a robot? Talisa wondered in her heart. While listening to Darius' explanation, Talisa glanced at her side. There is a heart monitor there. This man was probably very rich. He had a house as luxurious as this and there was a heart monitor like the one used in a hospital.

"Your arm reacts as much as your thigh. But still not enough, so…"

Talisa didn't dare to ask again. She just swallowed hard, waiting for his next words.

"So, I had to take your shirt off, it turns out that touching your sensitive parts generates a lot of energy. With that I can save your life," he said.

"W-what?! Y-you… You groped my body while I was unconscious?!" Talisa protested with a bright red face.

"I saved your life. Been twice now. Besides, your clothes are very dirty and smelly. I gave you comfortable clothes to sleep in in the summer. You should be grateful," he said casually.


A memory suddenly flooded Talisa's brain. She could now remember what it felt like when Darius' hands touched her bare breasts. The sensation made Talisa's heart beat normally again. After that, Talisa did not remember anything else. She only imagined how Darius took off her hot pants, then replaced them with the thin nightgown. Talisa wasn't even wearing her underwear underneath. This man has seen her whole body!

"What are you thinking about?" asked Darius.

Talisa covered her body and then inched backward.

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in going any further. I stopped after your heart beat normally," said Darius.

Talisa could hardly believe it. How could a man be able to restrain his lust after touching and stripping a woman? However, it seems Darius is honest. Talisa tried to feel her body and there didn't seem to be anything strange or lumpy under there.

"You should get plenty of rest. The energy you expended in the forest just now was too great, you weren't ready for it all. You have to learn to control it, Talisa. Or you could die from it," Darius said, more seriously now.

"What's this really about? What happened to me?" Talisa asked. She needed an answer now. Darius looked at her intently while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You don't know?" asked Darius.

Talisa shook her head. Talisa lived a normal life for the rest of her life. She had never met people who could emit fire. She also never knew that she could make the ground split open. What Talisa knew was she could always feel what was happening on the ground. She knows when an earthquake or landslide will occur. That is why Talisa aspires that one day she will study geology or geophysics. But what just happened, was like a nightmare.

"Morgan and Elena didn't tell you anything about this?" Darius asked, mentioning the names of Talisa's father and mother.

"H-how did you know the names of my father and mother?" Talisa asked with wide eyes.

"They're not your parents," Darius replied.

"What?! What do you mean?" Talisa asked.

All her life, all she knows is that she is the only daughter of Morgan and Elena. She lives a simple life in Manhattan, New York. But her father died in a car accident when Talisa was a child. Since then, she lives alone with her mother Elena, who died a month ago because of sickness.

"Follow me," Darius said as he threw a robe that seemed to be a set with the nightgown Talisa was wearing.