Finding Sherina

"B-but… I can't," Talisa said honestly. She had no idea how, but she couldn't let Darius keep touching her like that either.

"Let's get out of here," Darius said as he stood up.

He didn't reach out his hand to help Talisa up. Coldly he just looked at Talisa. When Talisa tried to stand up, Darius turned his body as if he couldn't wait for Talisa. Seeing that, Talisa just snorted softly. It seemed she had to get used to this cold and not at all gentleman for a while.

Darius had even walked before Talisa stood up straight. Talisa looked at Darius' back cynically. After what happened, Darius didn't even want to help her up. Talisa is sure that Darius is not interested in women. Or maybe he's half a robot.

Talisa followed Darius' steps and they returned to Darius' mansion. This time Talisa ran fast to walk beside Darius, she didn't want to walk behind the man continuously, but Darius didn't care at all and didn't slow down his steps.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Talisa asked finally.

"Hmm? On purpose? What on purpose?" Darius asked, without even turning his head.

"You deliberately walked fast so that I couldn't walk beside you. Is not it?" Talisa asked.

"Why would I do such things?" Darius asked Talisa, with a straight face as usual.

"Are you human, Darius Edmund?" Talisa asked annoyed.

Darius' behavior pissed her off. Darius treats her just like a tool. Talisa feels that she is not considered a woman by Darius. Suddenly, Darius stopped his steps and he turned to face Talisa.

"Do you think I'm human or not?" he asked Talisa back.

His handsome face is now against the background of the stars in the night sky. He is like the sun shining in the night sky. His beautiful hazel eyes stared coldly into Talisa's eyes, but that only made his charisma grow. Talisa, who was angry before, was now at a loss for words. She could neither think nor speak. Her vocal cords seem to have lost the ability to produce sound.

"Listen to me, Talisa. I know you are very angry with me. I can't blame you. But it's not my fault either. I did it out of necessity and I didn't do anything further than that. You should be happy, right? I'm trying to respect you," Darius said.

"What? Happy? You have gone mad, Darius!" Talisa said, instantly her irritation taking over her vocal cords.

"What do you want? What do you want me to do? Make love to you?" Darius asked as he took a step forward, making Talisa take a step back.

"That's not what I meant…"

"Then what do you mean?" Darius asked while grabbing Talisa's waist and holding her close to his body with only one hand. Talisa's heart jumped for joy, pounding her chest cavity mercilessly.

"Let me go!" Talisa exclaimed.

"You think I can't do it? You're wrong, Talisa. If I wanted to, you wouldn't be able to refuse me," Darius said confidently.

Talisa should have laughed at him because Darius sounded too confident, but on the other hand, in front of Darius, she couldn't move. Her heart was beating fast and blood was rushing to her brain too fast. Maybe that's why Talisa can't think now.

"Now is not the time to think about your wounded pride, Talisa. There are things far more important than that. There is a life that you must save. Saving her is like saving yourself," Darius said.

He then let go of Talisa's waist, making Talisa feel her knees go weak. The man was too terrible, unpredictable, and the most annoying thing was being able to make Talisa's body betray her. Talisa was forced to follow Darius' footsteps now, leading to a large closed room.

Darius opened the big door and Talisa was surprised to see that inside it was full of sophisticated computers, and large monitor screens and several people were working there.

"We can process all the information you get in this place. So, start telling me what you saw earlier," Darius said as soon as he entered the room.

He then rolled a chair to Talisa. Darius himself sat on a chair looking at Talisa.


The people who work there also paid attention to Talisa, making Talisa feel a little nervous. She cleared her throat for a moment so her voice wouldn't sound hoarse.

"The girl's name is Sherina, but I can't hear her last name," said Talisa.

Darius then gave a sign to one of the people who worked for him to take note of what Talisa said. Talisa is now increasingly curious about Darius. If he truly was expelled from Traum, then how could he build such wealth outside of Traum? There are so many mysteries about this handsome man that piqued Talisa's curiosity.

"Then?" asked Darius.

"She's shoulder-length blonde hair. Her eyes are pale blue. She was wearing a pair of black shoes with white lace socks, I'm sure there were letters knitted on the edge of the socks, but I couldn't see them. She was wearing a pink knee-length dress, carrying a matching school bag, in the shape of a rabbit's head. That's all I got," said Talisa.

Darius let out a short breath. Although his expression was unreadable, Talisa could tell that the man was feeling annoyed, from the way he breathed.

"You spent a lot of energy but that's all you got?" asked Darius.

"What do you expect? I didn't even know I could do things like this a day ago!" Talisa protested.

Darius then stared at Talisa silently for a few moments, then he turned to his employees.

"Find all the Sherinas under the age of six across America. We will start from there," said Darius.

"Yes, sir," replied the employee.

Talisa didn't know how many Sherinas there are in America and she can't imagine how to find the right little girl. Will they find her before George finds her first? Talisa and Darius are now in a race against time.

"Enough for today, Talisa. Go back to your room," Darius said later.

Before Talisa could answer, Darius had left her alone in the room full of the sophisticated computer. Talisa was about to call him, but she held it back. She decided to let Darius go first, and she left the room a few minutes later. Talisa decides to have a look at what this luxurious and large house looks like, maybe there are clues about Darius' real personality.