The Data

The door opened and they immediately entered the headmaster's office. Talisa quickly closed the door. She immediately locked it from the inside. Suddenly the dark room became bright. Talisa was surprised, but then heaved a sigh of relief, because the light came from the fire on Darius' palm.

"What now?" Talisa asked.

"There must be data for all the students here. If that kid is really a sorcerer school student, surely we can find her data in this room," Michael replied.

"This room is like the headmaster's office in the sixties. No computers, only thick books," Darius said, looking around.

Talisa couldn't be more agree with him. The room looks old-fashioned, don't even use lamp as lighting. There are several lanterns installed in the room but they are off.

"Most sorcerers lived from the Middle Ages. Natasha White is one of the oldest sorcerers. She doesn't like technology. For them technology is the biggest rival of witchcraft," said Michael.