Talisa's Plan

Hearing Talisa's question, Darius just stared coldly.

"You want to make love to him?" asked Darius.

"What kind of question is that, Darius?" Talisa asked angrily.

"You asked me first," Darius said coldly as usual.

"But that doesn't mean I want to sleep with him, Darius!"

Talisa couldn't believe Darius' reaction was so annoying. However, after a while, Talisa realized that maybe Darius was… jealous. Talisa widened her eyes at her own thoughts.

"Don't even think about it, Talisa. I'm not jealous. It's up to you if you want to sleep with him or not. I don't care at all. The important thing for me is to get back a copy of the data," said Darius.

Talisa snorted hearing Darius' answer.

"You want me to sacrifice myself for your cause! You are selfish, Darius!" Talisa exclaimed.

Darius widened his eyes hearing Talisa's words.

"Talisa!" he exclaimed.