Seeking Charlotte Walter (Part 2)

THOYT – Chapter 105 – The search for Charlotte Walter (Part 2)

"It was difficult, because we don't know what creature affected her just now," Michael replied.

Darius sighed because this would be a tough choice, but it had to be done. He had to make Talisa safe even though he had to do things that were not commendable.

"I'll tie her up," Darius said.

"What?" asked Michael in a rising voice.

"You have any other better ideas? I'd be happy to listen," Darius replied.

Michael was silent as he snorted. He didn't know what to do now. Tying Talisa to the bed sounded cruel, they were like kidnappers, but they really didn't have much choice and Michael had no other idea. They couldn't take the risk if Talisa suddenly woke up and was possessed by the creature once again.