The Sorcerer's Council Palace

THOYT – Chapter 108 – The Sorcerer's Council Palace

"Damn it!" cried Talisa.

This time Talisa didn't throw another fist, but she picked up another piece of wood that was scattered on the floor, pieces from the leg of the glass table that had been shattered by their fight. Darius knew that Talisa would really kill him now. Inside Darius' body, he felt a strong urge. He knows, in a desperate situation, his evil power will come back to the surface.

Darius saw that Talisa was a little off guard because she was trying to get the wood. He took the opportunity to squeeze Talisa's veins in her neck, just like she did before to stun people. The pressure technique that he uses must be precise and fast in order to temporarily block blood and oxygen from flowing to the brain.