
THOYT – Chapter 126 – Catastrophe

Talisa: (delivering speech) Today, we are at a turning point in Traum's history. We have overcome an invisible enemy, and now is the time for us to build a strong and peaceful land. We will never forget the sacrifices made by the heroes who have joined our alliance.

Residents of Traum: (cheering happily) Long live Talisa! Long live Darius! Long live Traum!

However, even though peace seems to prevail, Talisa and Darius remain cautious. They realize that new threats can emerge from outside as well as from within the country. Therefore, they cooperate with neighboring countries and strengthen their defense systems.

As night fell, Talisa and Darius took some time to talk about their journey so far. They sat by the quiet lake, looking up at the sparkling stars in the sky.